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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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OOC: I don't see why not but you might wanna see when OrcMan was last on and PM your bio to him


"Grandpa Dominimon once showed it to me" Patamon told her "He could change from Dominimon to Seraphimon, ClavisAngemon, or even SlashAngemon" he said "Maybe I can do something like that?"


"One thing I don't like about the rain" Mark said "They sky looks depressing afterward" he smiled "Thankfully, I don't have to look at the sky" he said, turning towards Tomoyo

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[spoiler=I was accepted Via PM yesterday. But i was trying to find a place were i could make an entrance......Looks like thats not gonna happen so ill just start posting.]

Name: Zak

Age: 17

Gender: Male

[spoiler=Pic: ]857713890.jpg


Personality: He is very caring of others but he never shows it & always jokes about things.

[spoiler=Bio: ]About 5 years before he was sent to the digi world he lost his little brother, he didnt die but he was taken away. Because of this he subconciously thinks of Lucemon as a little brother & there for if often over protective of him, despite the fact that Lucemon is so much stronger. He often puts himself in harms way to keep his friends safe.


Digimon Partner: Lucemon

[spoiler=Digimon Bio and Personality: ]Often act's childish, however when he digivolves he becomes more mature. He takes great pride in being an angel type digimon which is knows for being verry poserfull against evil digimon.


Digimon Line: (In Sig) & Seraphimon burst mode




IC: Zakwas holding on to Lucemon flying over a bunch of tree's when he slipped. "Crap." He fell in to a tree, but was able to cach himself on a branch, at the cost of a large cut on his arm. "Luce!!"

Lucemon flew doen & rabed him & slowly lowered him to the ground. "Sorry, i just lost my grip." He said as they landed on the ground.

"Don't wory." Zak patted Lucemon on the head. "You flew for over 3 hours, most Rukie level digimon couldn't do that on there own, let alone wile carying somebody ells. Lets take a break"

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OoC: guys im gonna join (i pmed the owner first XD) im a bit shy with this of RPs but I will do my best....



Name: Mas

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Pic: wr30-kiba-cliff-manly.png

Personality: Long-tongue (say what thinks)

Bio: A guy that thinks no need of anyone or anything to survive, one day he met with its Gaomon, that is completly different to him. What the destiny will have for it?

Digimon Partner: Gaomon

Digimon Bio and Personality: Personality: Happy, reserved. BIO: A cute looking Gaomon that have been torturated since was a children, partner of Mas, is helping him out to be better person and a good tamer...

Digimon Line: (Pic for Rookie is must, rest is optional but liked ^_^)

Gaomon- Gaogamon- Machgaogamon- Miragegaogamon




and... XD Im waiting where to enter...

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... In a place not so far of there...


"I told you we got lost¡" shouted Mas to its Gaomon

"We arent lost... just... we cant find the way home" answered Gaomon with a candy bar in the hand, where did he got it? no one knows...

"And... where you got that candy?¡" shouted again Mas looking more hungry than angry

"DK, just found it..." answered calmy Gaomon


OoC: Still trying to make something....

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OoC: Dk just entered a while... but... where is everybody?




When Gaomon finnaly ended its candybar they started walking again, trying to findout more humans... or a way to ubicate...


"So... where did you said you sought that lake?" asked Mas

"I already told you it was a dream" answered Gaomon

"Hmm... why did I ned to get lost with you..." Replied Mas

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zak dug in his backpack & pulled out some food. "Good thing we saved plenty of food from that last village." He tossed some to Lucemon.

Lucemon grabed the food, but he did not take a bite. "I sence somebody nearby."

"Isn't that normal? Were in a jungle, there are digimon everywhere."

"It's not just Digimon, there are humans also."

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IC: Vix leapt out from behind a nearby bush and landed in front of Ren and Elecmon. She was still in her BioKuybimon form, and therefore they hadn't seen how she was now a foot taller, hulked out, and had 9 tails, a red and white rope wrapped around her, and flaming paws and tail tips.

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Extrangely Gaomon eyes have turned onto fiery ones... "A hume..." said. "We dont want to attack humes Gaomon, wake up¡" Mas said while holding Gaomon in its arms. Gaomon eyes came normal with the Hug "Ok... just wanted some blood" Said in serius tone while both got near to the others... "So there are more humans there..." Mas told...

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Ren blinked at the being that suddenly appeared before them, and shuffled back a bit. Elecmon bounded into action, leaping forward infront of Ren and digivolving to Centarumon without even bothering to announce his intentions, shielding the boy with his body; he paused after a few seconds. "Biohybrid?" he muttered, after examining her. "A BioKyuubimon. Hm. Vix, then?" He said, lowering his guard.

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... for a bad luck... Gaomon went mad when they called him Dog

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING DOG GUY¡" shouted gaomon like 20 mtrs far from them. "We... whell... isnt it obius?" said Mas as taking pose, "No one know who you are" said Gaomon while making him snap of its pose, "Better to ask who are ya" Said gaomon

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