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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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Gatomon lifted her head lsightly so Patamon could get out form under her head. "What's happened to me since I met Tomoyo..."


She smiled. "I'm fi-" she was cut off. She ocudln't breathe. She dropped ot the gorund and fought to breathe. Another asthma attack was her first thought.


Gatomon had a sudden bad feeling. She suddenly got up and rna to where Tomoyo was. She saw her in her current stae. "waht happeneD?"

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Gatomon hurridly searched through her bag. She oculdn't remember where she kept it. She looked in all of the side pockets as well. She found it and handed it to Tomoyo. She took it and breathe din useing her inhailer. Her lungs felt better after a few breaths. She coughed several times as she tried to regain normal breathing.

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"Easy there" Mark said, holding onto Tomoyo by the wrist to steady her "Careful now, you already fell on your face once today, you do not wanna go for two. Plus, this time you won't have me to land on"


"Would you prefer if I digivolved into Angemon?" Patamon asked Gatomon "I'm getting the feeling that you don't seem to like me around"

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Lyet, noticing they were all moving, quickly changed into Piddomon, and walked up to his sleeping tamer. He shook her a littler, murmering. "Raina... we should probably get going..."


Raina's eyes fluttered open, as she yawned. She took one look at Piddomon and screamed, looking back and forth while grabbing her coat and holding it against he chest. "Who the hell are you?" she demanded, looking around. She seemed shocked as her legs brushed against the grass that crackled against her skin almost electronically. She blinked after a few moments, relaxing more. "Oh... right... so that wasn't a dream..." she muttered.


Ren was glancing around a bit, but shrugged and walked by Tomoyo and Mark. He groaned internally; Obviously, the other two humans had hit it off well. That might make things irritating; the couples he had known, at least, tended to spend more time with eachother than talking to anyone else. And considering his only other real source of conversation was Elecmon, who he was really starting to resent, and Vix...


"Hey, Mark." he said, getting the other boy's attention. "Where are we going?" he asked, curiously.


Elecmon snorted by his feet, but he ignored it.

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"Well," Mark said, looking into the sky "Unless Lyet or any of the other Digimon has any better ideas, I think we should all just follow the river until we hit a town, or some other form of civilization" he told Ren "Right now, we're gathering wood in case it gets dark before we find a town" he looked down at Elecmon "What do you think?" he asked

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