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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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OOC: Mark doesn't know that, but he does know what a kitsune is also, snubbed twice, ouch


"It's no trouble at all" Mark said, cracking his neck, "I'm going to go fishing actually" He told Vix and Tomoyo "You two can go to sleep if you want, but we need breakfast in the morning" He stood up and cracked his back "Unless one of you is allergic to fish... wait do Digimon have allergies?" he asked

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Mark smiled "Great" he said "Fishing alone for a dozen people would have been boring, now I'll have someone to talk to" he snapped four longish branches off of a tree and offered one to Tomoyo "If you want to, that's fine by me" Mark agreed "Patamon's sleeping next to Tomoyo's Gatomon, and DemiDevimon's..." He looked up where she was earlier "DemiDevimon's probably stretching her wings alone somewhere, she'll be back by morning"

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OOC: I hope you don't mind this next part.

IC: Vix took Gatomon, who initially protested, but then Vix remembered something.

She sang a soothing lullaby that quickly put the critter to sleep, along with Patamon.

"I was a babysitter, and I learned that lullaby from my grandmother." Vix muttered, before curling the two Digimon up with her tail, creating a sort of nest.

She promptly drifted off as well, knowing that she did have a life as a human once.

OOC: G2G. Be back on soon.

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Patamon yawned and smacked his lips a few times, wrapping his ears around Vix's tail, something he dubbed a 'Patahug'


"Not just yet" he told Tomoyo, walking back to the camp for his sweatshirt and pulling out four long threads from it, as well as taking a paperclip out of his pocket. He strung Tomoyo's stick first, then his own, and finally broke the paperclip into four mostly equal parts, bending one end closed and tying it to the end of the string "Now, do you think we should use live bait, or something flashy?" he asked, walking towards a secluded part of the lake

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Mark shook his head and started looking through his pockets and shook his sweatshirt until two shiny things fell out. He strung one, a small trinket shaped like a butterfly that goes in a girl's hair, on Tomoyo's fishing rod "My kid step-sister's" he explained. As he was saying this, he was stringing the other object onto one of his own rods

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Gomamon's head popped up near the two fishing-pole wielding humans. She examined the constructs, frowned, and shook her head. "You humans think up the darnest most complex things for the easiest solutions." she said, shaking her head in disbelief.


"I mean, just look at Sasha's method." she said, shaking a fin in the direction of her partner. The human was thrashing in the water as she giggled and chased after fish, trying to catch them with her bare hands. Amazingly, she already had two small ones gasping on the shoreline, though that was more likely due to their heards failing from the surprise.


Lyet settled down near Patamon and Gatomon, quickly dozing off.


Ren took off his coat, bunched it up and put it beneath his head, using it as a pillow. Elecmon snorted at him, but also curled up and felll asleep.

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Somewhere along the way, Mark managed to procure a half dozen worms, two of which he hooked onto his rods and cast out, along with his third rod. He stabbed them into the ground in front of him and slightly to his left and sat down on Tomoyo's right hand side "Sure is nice out at night here" He mused, looking at the moons, only now realizing there were two. He whistled at the sight and another smile hit his face

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