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Tutorial Request Thread


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have both Photoshop and GIMP; .xcfs will not open in PS.

GIMP can read .psd files, yes, but you will not get the text layers (and any associated effects on it).


That's pretty much why Zex asks me to convert his stuff into .xcf, because from what he told me over PM, he sorta forgot how to do it (or he didn't know, period).

It's pretty much just arranging the text files for the name, scales and effect text.

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  • 3 months later...

forgive me if this has already been posted again and again but for some reason i can't find it


how do i add the secret rare effect to a card? can somebody give me the template?

Here's a generic holo sheet, credit to whoever's it is, idek, should be the right size




Download an image editing program, GIMP is free and easy, so I'd go with that. Just save your card and open it in GIMP, File>Open as Layer, select the holo sheet. Press Ctrl+L to bring up the layer dialog, then where it says Mode, switch it too your liking. Dodge/Addition/Screen are pretty good. You can erase parts of the holo sheet to fit it to your liking.

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