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Wut? Digi-riddles? {Updated}


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[align=center]Yeah, I'm hoping on the bandwagon and making a riddle game, only with wut? DIGIMANZ?!!!!!!!!!?oneoneshifteleven11111!!!!!!!!!


[spoiler=Riddle Numero Uno: Cyberdramon: galesonic]

Am I a Dragon? Or machine? Or maybe I'm a gargoyle D:

I even wear a mask for crying out loud'!

I belong to the families of Virus Busters, Machine Empire, and Nature Spirits. Wait what?



[spoiler=Riddle Numero Dos: Beelzebub: ~~Matrix~~]

God I'm such a badass.



[spoiler=Riddle Numero Tres]

I would hate becoming like a dog and a cat.

Did I mention I love tackling? :3




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