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New Neos Cards!

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Neos Warrior

Warrior/ Ritual/ Effect

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Neos Calling" This card cannot attack your opponent directly. If this card is in face-up Attack Position, all monsters are changed to face-up Attack Position and must attack this monster.

3500 ATK/ 3500 DEF


Neos Warrior/ Aura Mode

Warrior/ Effect

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Neos Control-Aura". This monster cannot attack your opponents Life Points directly. This monster's original attack is the amount of card that has "Elemental Hero"in their card name in your Graveyard x500.

??? ATK/ 0 DEF


Neos Warrior/ Burst Mode

Beast-Warrior/ Effect

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Neos Control-Burst". This monster cannot attack your opponents Life Points directly. This monster's original attack is the amount of cards in your hand x1000.

??? ATK/ 0 DEF


Ultimate Neos Warrior

Warrior/ Effect

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by tributing 1 "Neos Warrior/ Aura Mode" and 1 "Neos Warrior/ Burst Mode". This monster cannot attack your opponent directly. You can tribute 3 "Elemental Hero" monsters to have this monster be able to attack your opponent directly.

???? ATK/ ???? DEF




Neos Calling

This card is used to Ritual Summon "Neos Warrior". You must also remove from play all monsters that require "Neo-Hero!" and "Elemental Hero Neos" from your Graveyard.


Neos Control-Aura

You can tribute 1 "Neos Warrior" to Special Summon 1 "Neos Warrior/ Aura Mode". The Special Summoned monster is not effected by the effects of Spell and Trap cards on the turn it was Special Summoned.


Neos Control-Burst

You can tribute 1 "Neos Warrior" to Special Summon 1 "Neos Warrior/ Burst Mode". The Special Summoned monster is not effected by the effects of Spell and Trap cards on the turn it was Special Summoned


Again I dont really care if you dont like them, just give me some suggestions on how I can fix them.

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Neos Warrior

Warrior/ Ritual/ Effect

This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Neos Calling". This card cannot attack your opponent directly. If this card is in face-up Attack Position, all monsters are changed to face-up Attack Position and must attack this monster.

3500 ATK/ 3500 DEF


Neos Warrior/ Aura Mode

Divine-Beast/ Effect

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Neos Control-Aura". This monster cannot attack your opponents Life Points directly. This monster's original ATK is the number of cards in your Graveyard with "Elemental Hero" in their card name in your Graveyard x 500.

? ATK/ 0 DEF


Neos Warrior/ Burst Mode

Divine-Beast/ Effect

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by the effect of "Neos Control-Burst". This monster cannot attack your opponents Life Points directly. This monster's original ATK is the amount of cards in your hand x 1000.

? ATK/ 0 DEF


Ultimate Neos Warrior

Divine-Beast/ Effect

This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by tributing 1 "Neos Warrior/ Aura Mode" and 1 "Neos Warrior/ Burst Mode". This monster cannot attack your opponent directly. You can tribute 3 "Elemental Hero" monsters to have this monster be able to attack your opponent directly.

? ATK/ ? DEF




Neos Calling

This card is used to Ritual Summon "Neos Warrior". You must also remove from play all monsters that require "Neo-Hero!" and "Elemental Hero Neos" from your Graveyard.


Neos Control-Aura

You can tribute 1 "Neos Warrior" to Special Summon 1 "Neos Warrior/ Aura Mode". The Special Summoned monster is not effected by the effects of Spell and Trap cards on the turn it was Special Summoned.


Neos Control-Burst

You can tribute 1 "Neos Warrior" to Special Summon 1 "Neos Warrior/ Burst Mode". The Special Summoned monster is not affected by Spell and Trap Cards this turn.





What are the Levels of your monsters?


Here are some suggestions:


1) Don't make Divine-Beast Elemental Heroes

2) Don't make cards with X000/X000 ATK and DEF. Instead, put their ATK/DEF as ?/?



Otherwise, pretty good :D

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They're all decent...aside from the fact that their pivotal card is a Ritual Monster. This means that you'll have to wait until you draw the Ritual Monster and Ritual Spell Card. That's going to be awhile, and you'll be wasting the game away trying for it. Maybe changing it to an effect monster with the ritual's second cost (removing all the Neo-Hero and Neos monsters from play) instead.

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