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The Super Pokemon Acedemy (or S.P.A.)... New members get 1 rep

Boss Z

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[align=center]That's right we are The Super Pokemon Academy... if you join you will be expected to make splice and pokedex entries, but we are all one (really big, cybernetic) family here so you can ask other people for ideas or to do something for you.


Like in other organizations we have ranks here and they are as follows.




3rd Class:6ypoj6c.jpg


2nd Class:711vbc0.jpg


1st Class:6wo49l2.jpg



(You must put your rank's banner into your sig)


Here like in most organizations you start at the bottom... Except for me and Vincedude... we start at nobility sicne we are the makers of this fine academy...


Abilities: (these will grow as you increase in rank)


Starter: Can enter any class contest and can rate others pokemon... well that is really it...


3rd Class: Can enter any class contest, can rate others pokemon, can PM me sugjestions about what to change or add.


2nd Class: Can enter any class contest, can rate others pokemon, can PM me on what to change or add, can PM me people they think should be ranked up.


1st Class: Can enter any class contest, can rate others pokemon, can PM me on what to change or add, can PM me people they think should be ranked up, can create contest for me (if they pm me or Vincedude the idea and we aprove it).


Nobility: We run the place... we can make contest, rank others up, rate others, you know all that good stuff...



OKay now down to business... here we will be creating a large pokedex that will later be used in an Rp... and all members of this academy will atomatically be in the RP (if they so desire). We are going to be makeing splice, completely custom pokemon, and even our own towns and maps (i can't (or won't) tell you how to make these because i'm not that good at completely custom pokemon, and towns and maps myself)



*oh and just to let you all know the first 3 to enter start at 3rd Class, not as starters*[/align]



To join just post an example of your work and say something like "I want in"

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