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E/D-Hero Deck


Do you like my deck? Does it need improving?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Do you like my deck? Does it need improving?

    • AWSOME! Doesn't need improvment.
    • Good,but needs some improving.
    • Needs alot of improving. . .

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do not under any condition mix those 2


1. decide on either one of them and take out the others


2.remove all the random monsters (like 60% of all monsers)


3. monster reborn banned


4.remove all the radom spells (alot there too)


5.remove the random traps (yeah there r some)


6. too many cards


post the new and ill see if I can help

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Hmmmmmmm, Try this for E hero




1x Elemental Hero Neos

1x Elemental Hero Bladedge

3x Elemental Hero Sparkman

3x Elemental Hero Clayman

3x Elemental Hero Wildheart

1x Elemental Hero Statos

3x Elemental Hero Ocean

2x Elemental Hero Necroshade

3x King of the Swamp

1x Neo Spacian Grand Mole




1x Future Fusion

3x Miracle Fusion

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Reinforcement of the Army

2x O - Oversoul

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x The Warrior returning alive

1x Pot of Avarice



2x Sakaretsu Amour

1x Torrontial Tribute

1x Fusion Guard

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Bottomless Trap Hole





Elemental Hero Thunder Giant

Evil Hero Lightning Golem

Elemental Hero Wild Wingman

Elemental Hero Blade Edge


The list of fusions goes on for ever.


Hows that for a basic list!


sorry it took along time but i had to keep changing it

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