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Whos That Pokemon?


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can i make one?


edit: i just put it here


There are only pieces of the pokemon' date=' and there are colors. The colors are on the RIGHT of a picture and tell what colors the pokemon has.



1 Electric Hoenn 1-stage

2 Water Hoenn basic

3 Psychic Hoenn legendary

4 Psychic Hoenn legendary

5 Fire Kanto starter

6 Normal Kanto basic

7 Fire Kanto basic

8 Normal Kanto basic*sigh*

9 Dragon Kanto 1-stage

1 Psychic Johto 1-stage


bit simpler maybe?

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can i make one?


edit: i just put it here


There are only pieces of the pokemon' date=' and there are colors. The colors are on the RIGHT of a picture and tell what colors the pokemon has.



1 Electric Hoenn 1-stage

2 Water Hoenn basic

3 Psychic Hoenn legendary

4 Psychic Hoenn legendary

5 Fire Kanto starter

6 Normal Kanto basic

7 Fire Kanto basic

8 Normal Kanto basic*sigh*

9 Dragon Kanto 1-stage

1 Psychic Johto 1-stage


bit simpler maybe?

1 Manectric

2 Clamperl

3 Jirachi

4 Deoxys

5 Charmander

6 Rattata

7 Growlithe

8 Ditto

9 Dragonair

10 Espeon

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