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Ethereal - Numero Five in Series x [Basic.] 16+

Silver Lining

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~ I'm cofuzzled... :S ~


"I couldn't take sitting in a limo with that-" Vinessa shuttered as an icy chill went down her spine. "Witch." she said the last part quietly, hoping that Ariel wouldn't hear. Then she remembered the 'end of the world' vision. Suddenly, a new one came to mind. Everyone she'd ever known alive was in one room. Everyone. It looked like the Volturi's secret palace. They were all chanting some creepy exorcism.

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David remembered the saying it's no use crying over spilt milk, so he ceased it & walked inside. He used his cane to walk in, as he finds a bit of trouble to walk much of the time. He sits in a chair in the library & breaks out his copy of Sherlock Holmes, signed by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle just days before the very famous author perished.

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Full Name: Hayate Masaru

D.O.B.: 1842

Gender: Male

Vampire/Werewolf/Shapeshifter/Human/Other: Spell Caster


Bio (optional): Hayate is one of the top Spell casters in the world, being well deversed in both Arcane and Divine type spells. Though he knows many Strategic and powerful spells and is legendary amongst the ranks he suffers from a side affect of a Spell gone wrong. The Spell had left Hayate in a blood bath and half dead. When he was healed by his master he noticed his powers where severely weakened, which in turn took away from his most powerful spells. Recently Hayate has started to gain the use of his stronger spells but has yet to fully recover even after a hundred years. Though he is scared and very old Hayate has managed to cast a spell upon himself which made him look younger.

Personality: Sometimes cold hearted but usually rational and calm. Very smart and strategic even in battle.

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(OOC: might I posé a suggestion that all apps are added to the first page? It would be nice to be able to go back and check your own character as well as everybody elses :))


Leo was walking slowly down one of the many streets of Forks humming on a jolly tune. It was cold, but it didn't bother him too much since he'd just found a dollar bill lying around on the ground, doing no good at all. And the fuzzy feeling of this streak of Luck was all he needed to keep warm.

His humming and jolly walk came to a sudden stop though as he started shaking, and grabbing his heart. "N-No, it's.. it-it's past her bed t-time" he caoughed, staggering forth a couple of steps. With one last gasp he fell to the ground, but when he hit it, it was no longer Leo. Instead, there was a young girl, about 10 years old with dazzling blonde hair and a adorable little flower dress. "Ouch!" she whined, as she got up from the dirty old road, brushing of dust from her clothes.


((OOC: BRB eating food :)))

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OOC: I mean new to this shizzle ;)



Rose got up from the ground, dusting her dress off. In the midst of dusting she felt something in her dress pocket. "hm?" the girl exclaimed, putting her hand in there to pick up whatever was in there. Her baffled expression quickly changed to a happy smile. " A dollar!" She squealed, waving the dollar bill in the air. She looked around for a candy store or a café to use her dollar in, but soon to discover that everything was closed, it was after hours after all. She frowned and shoved the dollar back into her pocket again. "Great, Leo gives me a dollar and I can't use it for anything good." She crossed her arms and marched down the street with a very determined look on her face.


OOC: I gtg, have dance practice.. may be able to post a short message on the buss there but don't expect anything ^^'

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Marcus raised an eyebrow. He did a small spin towards Rokujo. "What the hell?" He asked' date=' indicating the small girl that was just a man seconds before. "I mean, logical answer is shape shifter, but seriously."



--Where did that come from? Did we leave off, where Rokujo said he couldn't die, etc? Unless you're talking about Red's post.

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~ Ok, I think it's time to bring Aly into the picture x ;] ~


Aly walked cautiously down the sidewalk of an alleyway behind the restaurant. She wouldn't have been able to see where she was going if it weren't for the little flickering street lights lined against the abandoned outlets. She tried to ignore that nagging suspicion that she was being watched, but the uneasiness wouldn't go away. Picking up her pace a bit, she rounded the nearest corner onto main street where she'd parked her car. Aly felt a strong sense of relief when she grabbed the handle and the car door actually opened; usually it would take a few minutes for her to yank it open just enough to squeeze through. As soon as she got in and shut the door, she put the key in the slot, turned it, and hit the gas petal.

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Hayate was in a small alleyway across the street from the old library. As he walked slowly down he could hear a commotion from the street. Hayate continued to walk at a slow pace as he exited the alleyway and came up onto the street. He noticed a girl on the pavement brushing dust and dirt from her clothes. Mean while their was a slight crowd forming in her vicinity. He noticed a man that was walking from the entrance of the library.


Hayate decided he would find out what was going on. As he walked toward the girl he figured that it would be easier to ask a witness, then the target because it could raise suspicion that he didn't want. He rounded the left side of the bench just outside the library as he approached the man that exited the library moments before.


"Hey.... I was wondering what was going on here?" He asked the man before sitting on the back of the bench with his arms slightly folded.

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