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Ethereal - Numero Five in Series x [Basic.] 16+

Silver Lining

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Marcus looked up, noticing Vinessa. It had been a while since he'd seen her, but that didn't matter. "Oh, odd seeing you here..." He replied in a rather dull voice, as long as those vampires were around him, he would never really be in a good mood. Seeing as it was Vinessa, he might as well perk up a bit. "Hey." He replied rather quickly, as if discarding his previous reply.


-Damn, I should use that next time. xD-

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"Why is it that every time I see you, you're sitting alone in the middle of nowhere?" Vinessa smiled with a hint of force. "You seem to have all these friends, but you're never with any of them.... you're kind of lucky." she turned her head when she said this. It was embarrassing for her to express her emotions to others. Vinessa had usually been quite 'careless', so it was new.

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"I dunno, instincts?" He shouldn't have said this, as soon enough his muscles were aching again. He had wondered about stabbing his arms, maybe to shut them up? It wouldn't work he thought, not to mention it made him look like some random emo kid. Even insane, if the person was dumb enough. "You could say lucky I guess, but for me it's more of a curse." He shrugged. "But hey, each to his own right?"

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Chester was shocked at Vinessa's leave. He could slightly glimpse a tear in her eye as she rushed out of the limo.

"Where did that come from?" He thought to himself. He now looked at Ariel, she looked to be examining his body with her body.....and It freaked him out.

"We are a few minutes away for the Master's home," she said, trying to smile.

It looked like it hurt.

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"Yeah..." Vinessa agreed in a low manor. "But, is that a good thing? What if, even though we are unique, we don't fit in with anyone?" Marcus was a cool guy, she must admit. He was always 'chill' and would pretty much be there whenever his friends needed him. He seemed like the only person who could understand this.. emptiness that she was facing right now. And he didn't seem to mind conversing either.

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Kain walked out and onto the wall again. But his sit was long lived when a limo pulled up infront of him. A tall, rough moustached man stepped out. He pulled out a fog watch and clicked it open and checked the time. He then gave a very dull look to Kain. "There waiting for you Master Kain." Kain nodded. "Yeah, I kinda guessed that. And we should hurry quick, people who are in the buisness don't like to be kept waiting." Kain jumped down once again from the wall and got into the limo, the tall man shut the door behind him and got into the drivers seat and began to drive.


-- Now ~MT~, from where your going with yours I would just like you to know im not linking mine to yours. I have something diffrent in store. But we can link the storyline later perhaps XD

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"I've thought of that a while ago. That's why it's so hard being with friends. With people different than you. They don't.... Understand." That last word was a big deeper, as he carved off a large chunk. He relaxed though, and sighed. "Sorry. I guess it's good bad sort of thing. Like, although you can't be with everyone, there are the few that understand you, and those are the important ones." He wasn't sure if he was making sense, he was often told that he should be clearer.

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---- You bet ya Silver! XD


Kain piered out of the dimmed widow to his side to see two people sitting on a log. The strong bulked up boy was obviously a werewolf, Kain could tell. The girl, he couldn't tell. Her senses seemed to almost block him out. Kain shaked it off and looked away again, but did so with trying not to be rude to both of them. "So Master Kain, what is the deal this time?" "Oh, just some territorial deal with the werewolfs, nothing much..." Kain answered the monotone voice of his driver. "Isn't that a tad bit dangerous Master?" "We'll only know till it happens..." Kain pulled a sharp, sligh grin.

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"Long story short, don't get in a limo filled with crazies. Especially if you are one." Vinessa chuckled darkly. "And you? There's a woodshop back in Forks, you know. I'm sure you'd have much more fun there."


~ Um, you could skip in on Marcus and Vinessa? Or go to town and reek havoc on innocent mortals >:3! Bahhaahh... ~

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"I was actually walking along here when your limo passed by. Didn't feel to comfortable walking, so I decided to sit down and whittle away here." He stood up, and pocketed his dagger. He picked up the log, and grinned at his creation. It was an odd like totem pole, with the top a head of a wolf, the middle a bear, and the bottom a bat. "Turned out better than I thought."

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Vinessa's eyes widened. "That's trippy. You've got real skill."


~I am unamused with the amount of users on here who are to busy with homework to post anything. Honestly, I work two jobs, am in the middle of MORE exams in a dental university, and am preparing my wedding (which is in 7 weeks!! ;D), and you are busy with "homework"? Yeah, okay. ~

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The limo drive took about 15 minutes before Kain reached his destination. It was a tall wooden shack that stood outside the rim of Forks. The driver stood out and opened Kain's passenger door. Kain stepped out and pulled some black gloves out of his pocket and put them on. He then pulled a caine out of the car. The wooden pole was grey with a silver dragon head on the top to put your hand over. Kain walked towards the door and knocked. A window in the door slided open and eyes peared through them. "Ah, so you've arrived..." The door opened and a man stood in the doorway.


He looked to be a lumberjack, except he didn't have the rough beard or dirty hands. He stood out of the way and let Kain step in. Kain nodded and stepped in. There was very dim light in the room. Five others where there, surrounding a elderly man in a wheelchair, looking to be in his eighties. Kain walked over to his seat and sat. "So, you want to have some of are land correct?" The elderly man asked with a slight cough. Kain gave a grin and nodded.

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~ Um' date=' you could skip in on Marcus and Vinessa? Or go to town and reek havoc on innocent mortals >:3! Bahhaahh... ~



--Mokuro would be capable, Rokujo, more like interupt. Lucifer, he'll be in his corner.


Blasting out the shop, a couple of gangsters ran out screaming, begging for their life. "Forgive us!!!"

Coming out of the shop was Mokuro, with a slight sneer on his face. "Damn little mortals keep getting worse and worse. 'Why can't I just annihilate them' I ask my brother, and he says, 'Cause I said so'. Pff. The worlds doesn't need week beings like humans.



Rokujo walking down a hallway, and ended up making a turn. When he turned, he saw Marcus, and Vinessa. He didn't like to meet Vinessa after the Fiacre Incident. However, hopefully, she forgot about it.

He decided to walk on by, hoping nothing would strike her. Remembering she had Psychic powers, he he was last informed, he put up a protection barrier to prevent his mind from being read.

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"Honestly it was just random." He chuckled slightly' date=' before setting it up near a tree. "Looks good there at least."



preparing my wedding (which is in 7 weeks!! ;D)

Wait, wut? xD -


~ I iz Engaged, didn't you know? ;[] ~


"Hey... I know that guy." Vinessa mumbled, taking one cautious step back. She couldn't put her finger on it. Who IS he? she mused for a moment.

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-Err, gratz? xD Jeeze, nobody tells me these things. >.>....<.<....-


Marcus gave a slight 'hmm' and looked at the figure. "Does look familiar." That's when it hit him. As if there was a bull horn in his muscles, with shiny green neon lights, that just randomly shouted out 'VAMPIRE!'

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--No <_<


Rokujo looked to his right, and saw Vinessa looking at him. "This is the part where I run." Rokujo started to think while it was his chance. But he noticed that she looked confused, like she didn't know if it was Rokujo. "Isn't she coming after me, or calling me?"

When he heard Marcus shouted vampire, he stopped, and looked straight at him. "Impressive for him to know, but it's not that rare for people to know who I really am." Rokujo sent a glare straight at Marcus, and gave a slight chuckle. However, if there were people in the area, people would think he was crazy, because they don't believe in Vampires.

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"I was only wanting a small portion you see, for a special occasion that is coming up..." Kain answered slighly. The old man raised an eyebrow before coughing in a heap, then pulled out a mini oxegen tank and breathing in some air from the mask. "Well, if that is the case, vampire, then you'll need to show us your worthy of keeping good protection of that land." The old man gave a sligh smile and the men who crowded around him now began to crowd around Kain. Kain smirked. "I will definatly be able to protect it, seeing as its all apart of the plan..." The old man flicked his wrist at the men to tell them to stop. "What plan?" Kain looked up at him and smirked.


"This plan." Kain jumped out of his seat and raised his caine, the men started to come towards him. He laughed and kicked the first one to come close in the side, He then got the second on the head with the caine, and the third with the chair he was sitting on. The man who opened the door came running forward, but Kain quickly tripped him over and stomped him in the head. The old man didn't look scared. He raised a frail finger to Kain. "You can have the land. Be gone!" Kain nodded and walked towards the door. "What plan was he talking about?" The old men looked down at his men. On the one who Kain stomped there was something glowing on his head. The old man looked closer. "What the..?"


BOOM. A huge explosion went off as Kain entered his limo and began to drive away. Smoke began to rise from the tavern. Kain gave a sligh grin.

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Vinessa jumped back, startled at Marcus' explosion. And that's when the light flicked on- Vampire? Mysterious figure? It was Rokujo. That bastard who was supposedly "possessed" and had gotten her killed. She marched angrily towards him, growling in the back of her throat. "You must think you're so imperial, don't you?!"

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