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Yu-Gi-Oh 5D`S Duel Acadamy [BASIC]

Alexis Rhodes

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"Weaklings..." He murmured to himself. He walked away with his pets following him. One jumped on his head' date=' so he stop and put it on the ground. "C'mon, lets go get a bite."



Otto saw him, wanting to duel...

She looked at her deck... Lotsa monsters....

"Remove from play", "Destroy when destroyed..." were what she muttered...

Those must have somethig to do with her deck!

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( Not sure if i'm suspose to PM but, Oh well. )


Name: Ryan Grino

Age: 18

Gender: Male



Biography: After growing up in a some what werid house hold, he was raised into a werid person. When he was 7 he was ' playing ' around with a lighter, at least thats what he told the cops. While his house caught on fire, killing both his parents. The boy, was put into mental help, because he never cryed, or showed any gult. When he was released being 14, he got into the world-wide game known as Yu-gi-oh. Being in the Mental Hospital, he was raised up with Mentaly Handicaped people. He beleves if he uses the deck he has soon, and gets alot of wins with it, Aliens will come grant him with magical cards, that have the power of a 1,000 suns. He is one messed up kid, and always has a werid top hat on, and a full body tat. Some how he got into the Duel Acadamy, and is now just moving in to start his new life. NOw he basicaly sits, around talking to him self, but susposeably hes talking to " Aliens " that can hear him threw his thoughts.


Personality: He thinks everything is a joke, and laughs even when hes in pain. People are normaly freaked out by this. He doesen't make alot of friends, because of his weridness, and he will put Aliens, over friends if it comes down to that.


Deck Type : Zombies ( Till in further, when a event happens ( Basicaly when i finish my alien deck. xD )

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Ryan was just getting into his new dorm, where un packed all of his things. He had decided the room looked boring, so he took out one of his black sharpie markers, and went over to a giant blank wall. Inwhich he drew a mapping plan from earth, from the middle of the galaxy, listing all of the stars, and miles away. This took him about a hour, considering he done it almost 40 times. He was mummering things to him self " Mrmm.. Yes.. yes... No... To - to Far... " he had walked down to his bed, and gripped onto his Customzied UFO duel disk, and his deck, which he slid into the deck holder on the disk. He than walked over to his cloest, putting on his top hat, and taking off his shirt, and putting on some black pants. He had opened up his dorms door, and walked out from the building, down to a near by park, which he sat on the bench. Having a conversasion with him self, and had kept a grin on his face. A roudy, kid had walked up to him and shouted at him " Freak, Why are you talking to your self. " , Ryan looked up to the boy, and let out a some what of a pyscho laugh, than said " Not to my self, To the aliens. " The boy looked at him with a odd face, than said " Alright than, Mr. ' Alien ' man i'll challenge you to a duel. " Ryan had looked to the kid to wounder if he was actualy serious. So Ryan stood up, and activate his duel disk, The kid did the same. Ryan had said " I'll go first, sense i'm the freak. " The kid had nodded, and Ryan drew five cards from his deck he looked at his hand, and read the cards names off to him self, He than placed down a card onto the summoning postion "I'll place 1 face down card, and end my turn. The kid drew 5 cards from his deck, than spoke " I'll place 1 card face down, and i'll play Black Ptera (1000/500), and attack your Life Points directly ! , Go Black Ptera. " Ryan, than revealed his face-down card, and spoke " Negate Attack, I hope you know what this does. " When the bird hit the shield, It flew back and inflitced no damage " The kid spoke again " Fine i'll end my turn, with my one face-down card played. " Ryan than laughed, when he drew a card from his deck. " I'll first activate Call Of THe Mummy, this will allows me to speical summon 1 zombie card from my hand. So I'll play "Vampire Lord(2000/1500)" onto the field. In attack mode, and play another face-down and end my turn." The kid drew a card, and getting nothing he placed a face-down monster card, and ended his turn. Ryan looked to the kid, and he looked worryed, with only 1 face down monster, and a magic card he was basicaly done for. Ryan than spoke " Alright, first off I will play Heavy Storm, this sends all magic, and trap cards on the field, away. Now I will Tribute my vampire lord to summon, the only, and only Vampire Genesis(3000/2100) ! " The vampire lord vanishs into the ground, while the ground shook the giant creature came up from the ground, standing there. " Now his effect, allows me to discard 1 zombie-type monster from my hand, into the grave-yard, than choose 1 monster with a lower Level, than the one i discarded. I will place my Dark Dust Spirit, into the graveyard, In order to bring back Vampire Lord, Now i'll also activate Snatch Steal, This allows me to take your monster from your control, and use it against you while you gain 1000 life-points your next stand-by phase. But there won't be a next one, Vampire Genesis Attack his Life-Points directly !" , The giant beast did a direct attack, and brought down the kids life-points to only 1000 than he said. " Vampire Lord attack him directly " The vampie lord vanished, and struck the kid onto the ground which brought his Life-Points down to 0. The kid layed on the ground in shock, While ryan walked back to the bench, after de-activating his duel-disk, And the kid ran off.

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Ryan walked over to his mirror on the wall, when he thought he seen a reflection of a Alien in the mirror, and screamed, and jumped back into the mirror. Causing it to crack onto the wall, and fall onto the floor. He than gripped his heart area, talking to him self, noticing nothing was there. He walked out the door, Mummering to him self, and walked into the Arena to watch some duels.

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ooc: rep for having that long post. The bigger I seen yet


Rekut open his eyes and block Haru attack and stuck at his sides with his other tonfa. "Back for more I see." Rekut look at him with a straight face. "If you want to be bitten to death so badly......I would gladly accept this task." Rekut jump and dive at Haru.

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( thanks. ^-^ )


While Ryan was watching the Arena, to pick a certin duel to watch. He noticed one forming off to the side that seemed to be some what amusing to watch. Than he walked over to one of the veiwing chairs, and sat down mummbling to him self about something that involved aliens. He seemed to be having a conversasion with one, while paying attention to the duel that was happening before him.

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Ryan started to get bored watching the duel, considering both of them out matched each other some where. He was mummbling things to him self, that didn't make much sense to other people sitting around him. He than stood up from the veiwing stands, glancing to some of the stages he had seen on his way there, he walked away down the collums of seemingly endless stairs. Till he reached the exit, he once came from. He looked around, the place curiously, and got bored, and decided to go check out his dorm area. He was mummbling some crap about aliens, when he seen a dog run out, and it had scared him some deal. He than made his way to the dorm, which he opened. He glanced around the area walking around it whistling to him self slowly.

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