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Yu-Gi-Oh 5D`S Duel Acadamy [BASIC]

Alexis Rhodes

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wat now?


Ooc : Man I come back to this RP, And I see your giant pointless post... What spam.


Ryan shuffled down his cards, coutning them in his head when to his shock there was a extra card in his dead. He moved his hands threw it, but not finding the card he was counting he figured he must be just tired, so he placed his Deck into his holder, and placed it onto his counter when he dozed off asleep.

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lighten up, you almost won, you dueled great!

Ooc: Anyone else want to duel?


Ic: Peter walked up to the Ra Yellow dorm, and challenged a kid to a duel. However, the duel ended in a tie, the ra yellow member using Ring of Destruction. He walked away, remembering the pretty face of the girl he dueled.

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Otto sat around in her Dorm. She looked at her deck.

"Gawd, WTF did I lose with Power Tool Dragon? Oh, nevermind. At least I have an Archtype so powerful, no one can destroy them..."


She thought of ways to use them...


"First, when 5 of this Archtype are on the field, and I have a few face-downs, This part is where the fun begins..."

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ooc: Nice. So your monsters can attack directly. How did you get and extra amount beside 2500?


Rekut drew. "I pay 2400 life to Special Summon Jira, The Infamous Mage and Frost Stone Mage. Next I activate my Brother of Arms to summon a token Jira with 4000 attack. Now I syncho and summon Hira, the Silence Mage and attack with all my monster, Hira first. I end.




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when Peter finally awoke, there were 2 new cards in his hand. One, he ripped to shreds, for he knew of the great evil in that card. The other, he put into his deck. He then put his deck in his pocket and no longer wanted to duel. He walked back to the red dorm, and finally stopped thinking of Otto.

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