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How is that degrading? I just dont see it. If some girl would acctually charge you with sexual harrasment for putting your arm around her (when you know her well!) why would you talk to her? If shes gonna flip out over nothing it be like if a guy high fived me and then I got mad cause he touched me. And look im not saying you should go around and touchgirls and sheet im sayin if some girl would flip out over that she probley wasent your friend in the frst place.

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*laughs at the lack of girls on this forum*


Do we actually have any girls here? It'd help a bit.


In my opinion (I'm in Year 9' date=' 14 yrs old) just do it. Your mates might tease you a bit, but they'll respect you for having the guts to go and do it.


Hardest part of asking a girl out is the fact that (here in Australia, I don't know what happens in America) they just travel around in packs of threes or fours. If you could get them alone, and ask them then, it'd be so much easier...


About HORUS' method (getting hurt :P), no matter how wrangled you get, if she doesn't like you, she doesn't like you. As HORUS said (is the only guy I'm quoting HORUS?), if you get turned down, shrug and forget her. Don't let it get to you. Just got to grit your teeth and do it. Either it'll work, or you'll be embarrassed for a few days at worst and then everyone forgets it.[/quote']


Just guessing, I think marisa and Ultimajk are female, forgive me if I'm wrong.


I'm guessing you're not a Queenslander, or atleast not from the Gold Coast... I usually find it's packs of 10+ with a few blokes tagging along aswell. But yes, if they were alone and you knew them atleast a bit, it would be far easier.


The stairs are always there in case...

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See, i'm a year older than u and i'm in the 9th grade. One thing i didn't see on this thread is that the race of the girl and the people they hang out with does have something to do with it.

This is important because certain races do act different ways (they do so don't try to call me racist for telling the truth). When i say certain races act certain ways i mean that the mojoriy of a specific race acts very simarlar (once again i am not racist). in step 3 to what BC said on the first page you'll get different rections.Here are some examples:


African American Girl: Even if she does like it if there are people around or not you will get a quick kick in the jewels and/or a hard slap in the face.


Latin American Girl: Not too much experience with them but responses do vary.


Caucasian Girl: Just like Latin American Girls, responses vary.


Asian Girl: Dunno but i will find out by the time this week is over cause i've had my eye on one.


The real trick is bieng yourself but not havinng a balanced conversation. Most girls love to talk even if they don't at first. They should do most of the talking after about a week and u better listen cause some girls will practically quiz you on what they said. You should still talk though and sometimes you will talk more than them but it should be ok as long as you don't dominate too many conversations. If she doesn't talk then u talk, even if you can think of anything good to say she'll apreciate the fact that u tried (unless she's some kinda dumb broad and thinks it's really somethin good to say.Then she'll just respond as she normally would). One more thing, where u live at and the race of the girl (i know i said that like to times) will effect the behavoir of the girl. And sometimes a girls best friend could like u but u like that girls. Try to think of what u know about her best friend cause she could be an option.

That's all i can think of for now i'll write more when i remember what other thing i was going to type.



P.S. IGNORE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY ABOUT GAME.Girls actually HATE game if theey have any selfrespect.

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Oh i remember what else i was going to type now. NEVER ask a girl out in front of another girl ( I learned this the hard way )or a homosexual ( They tend to have homosexual friends where i live ) and never use a note or another persons all it says to her is," Hi I have no balls and am scared of girls". Try to ask her out in an empty classroom/hallway or on the phone. 99% of the time they'll turn u down if u 2 aren't alone, on the phone, or if u ask her with a note.


I used the proper words for races and sezual preference because some people find the most commonly used words offensive. 1 more thing i forgot. If your scared to talk to her, GET OVER IT OR DO IT ANYWAY.Some girls really do think it's cute to stumble over your words. Good luck with her and i hope that you can manage to get a date. That's what this info is for NOT TO GET U LAID!

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One thing i didn't see on this thread is that the race of the girl and the people they hang out with does have something to do with it.


I totally agree.......I can go up to my black girlfriends and smack that, but if I go up to one of my white girlfriends and did that I'd get a slap across the face.


Tibetanese girls don't like that either.

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African American Girl: Even if she does like it if there are people around or not you will get a quick kick in the jewels and/or a hard slap in the face.


Latin American Girl: Not too much experience with them but responses do vary.


Caucasian Girl: Just like Latin American Girls' date=' responses vary.


Asian Girl: Dunno but i will find out by the time this week is over cause i've had my eye on one.[/quote']


So basically you only have knowledge about one of the above... Enlighting... :lol:

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With what i said i'm going completely by where i live. I must have left that out and i wasn't trying to be sterioetypical at all. I apologize if i was. Where i live at the girls prefer if u ask them out on the phone cause it's kinda embarissing fore them. I have some expirience with 3 ( African American, Latin Amrerican, and Causcasian) but i was using that as an example cause i couldn't think of any other situations to compare.

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