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(Dusk) spell reflection huh, clever *Minny Magician shoots a magic blast at the one with the spells and I cast Shield* (DND spell)((is that allowed?))


((how dose getting cards from the graveyeard work in this I mean out side of battle, for both monster (sacrificed or distroyed) and spell cards. do they come back after battle or is it like last time where I need to spend money to get them back))

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((I would have noticed teleportation, something like that shows back up in my line of vision, you should have said vanishes and reappears next to or behind the barbarian))


(Dusk) "Looks like you set yourself up for my next attack" *casts Benign Transposition(DND spell) causing the Barbarian to magically switch places with her bird creature, giving the bird creature a nice direct unsuspected direct attack*

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