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the scarf vblasts some of the gold, butt theres no sign that you hit the dragon, the gold shifts and some of the gold melt together forming the dragons head just as it shoots energy towards hecatya




my name is briana, im a barbarian mage, and i like to use beast cards

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(Akira) *throws the other end of the scarf in between Hecatya and the energy blast to block the attack is holding the center of the scarf, then pulls both ends back to him* So it can change into Gold, thats going to make this more dificalt, but I think I have an idea "Hecatya, take cover behind something"



(Dusk) "I am an ancient arcana and an adept spell caster, I use Spells and Spellcasters cards mostly, but it seems I am finding many Fairy cards, so I guess ill be using them to"

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(Akira) *puts the scarf around his neck in energy from. then goes into the center of the pile of gold and begins to spin around very fast. a wind picks up and soon he has made a minny tornado picking all the gold off the floor and keeping it spinning* now the dragon is caught in the twister and has no place to run *his scarf starts to spin in the tornado, cutting up the dragon*



"Sure, ill take a look"

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