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oh god! what am i thinking?!


monsters: 19

x3 RD

x3 Neos

x3 Pegasus

x3 Tiger

x2 Cat

x1 Mammoth

x1 Ruby

x1 Eagle

x1 Tortise

x1 Morphing Jar


Spells: 19

x2 Ruins

x2 Beacon

x2 Abundance

x1 Card Destruction

x2 Blessing

x2 Promise

x2 Rare Value

x1 MST

x1 Vortex

x1 Future Fuse

x3 Polymer (turst me, i don't wanna use it either)


Traps: 4

x1 Torrental

x1 Mirror Force

x2 Rainbow Path


Total: 42


Extra: 3

x3 Rainbow Neos


ok, now i have to seriously question my sanity.......needz serious work, plz help me!!!!!!!

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u need Neos or Alius for the whole contact fusion thing, Alius is a beatstick and easier to get out then Neos so he seemed a better choice at this current point


however if hex sealed does work instead of neos, then i've been doin Neo Spacians all wrong!

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Rainbow Neos isn't summoned through Contact Fusion, Future Fusion can be used to summon it, so yes, The Light - Hex Sealed Fusion can be used in place of Neos. lolwikia ftw (it also doesn't have the phrase for contact fusions on the card)


Edit: This means Poly must be used... eww D: though this means the CBs are unneeded for Rainbow Dragon, OH, and it means you can use RDD

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I could have sworn that fusion substitutes still worked for those kinds of monsters just like ARA worked for all Ritual monsters (which I know because it works for Demise, a card that specifies that only it's own ritual spell can summon it)

  'burnpsy said:

Unfortunate that it isn't "Elemental Hero Rainbow Neos"' date=' if you get what I mean... >.>


Oh, BTW, the card says it needs the exact material. No Hex 4 U.



Miracle Fusion would solve a lot of problems -.-

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  '820reborn said:

Poly x3 is a MUST. I run this deck and found poly to be kinda good. Also' date=' I suggest you put x3 neos instead of alius, and find a way to put fake hero in here. (BELIEVE ME!!!!! IT ALL WORKS!!!!!!)

I guess hex can stay.



It can only stay if it still works for Rainbow Neos, which I'm fairly certain it does. You will need more Poly though, as sad as it makes me to say. You may want to replace the Hex's with 2 Neos, 1 Prisma, 1 Stratos if they don't work, maybe...

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  '820reborn said:

Forgot about prisma.

Fake Hero becomes poly while you have a hex on the field (Yes' date=' it works, it's just that RN isn't properly fusion summoned). Summon hex, play fake hero, summon neos, insta-fusion.



Except that neither need to be on the field to fuse since it requires Poly to summon. And no, the Hex's second effect doesn't work with RN because it specifies on the card "This card cannot be special summoned except by a fusion summon with the above monsters" though fusion substitutes still work :?

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lol coments!


Hex can by used even if the card states the use of exact fusion materials, it worked for Cyber Twin and it works for Rainbow Neos!


"Cyber Dragon" + "Cyber Dragon"

A Fusion Summon of this card can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters.


"Elemental Hero Neos" + "Rainbow Dragon" or "Rainbow Dark Dragon"

This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by Fusion Summon with the above Fusion Material Monsters


The only limitation of this kind of summoning is that it isn't properly summoned, so it cannot be Special Summoned from the grave


- Future Fuse

due to the lack in Neos

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  'PakstraX said:

lol coments!


Hex can by used even if the card states the use of exact fusion materials' date=' it worked for Cyber Twin and it works for Rainbow Neos!


"Cyber Dragon" + "Cyber Dragon"

[b']A Fusion Summon of this card can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters.[/b]


"Elemental Hero Neos" + "Rainbow Dragon" or "Rainbow Dark Dragon"

This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by Fusion Summon with the above Fusion Material Monsters

The only limitation of this kind of summoning is that it isn't properly summoned, so it cannot be Special Summoned from the grave


- Future Fuse

due to the lack in Neos


The text is similar enough that I'm certain we can assume you can use Hex for RN

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  'Dark_Armed_Zombie said:

lol coments!


Hex can by used even if the card states the use of exact fusion materials' date=' it worked for Cyber Twin and it works for Rainbow Neos!


"Cyber Dragon" + "Cyber Dragon"

[b']A Fusion Summon of this card can only be conducted with the above Fusion Material Monsters.[/b]


"Elemental Hero Neos" + "Rainbow Dragon" or "Rainbow Dark Dragon"

This card cannot be Special Summoned, except by Fusion Summon with the above Fusion Material Monsters

The only limitation of this kind of summoning is that it isn't properly summoned, so it cannot be Special Summoned from the grave


- Future Fuse

due to the lack in Neos


The text is similar enough that I'm certain we can assume you can use Hex for RN


Give a source for it working for Cyber Twin. It's not on the rulings list, and wiki seems to agree with me on this.

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Well, you are not using it as a substitute. If you use it's effect to summon Fusion monsters it will be basically the same as Cyber-Steins effect

And in response to Future Fusion question... No, you cannot use Future Fusion with a substitute



Ohh, I know!

Add Cyber Dragon, just for laughs, and Cyber Twin too!!! :D

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  'PakstraX said:

Well' date=' you are not using it as a substitute. If you use it's effect to summon Fusion monsters it will be basically the same as Cyber-Steins effect



Cyber-Stein Special Summons, so does Hex.


Either way, this doesn't allow for Hex to sub. It can't be used for Poly, and it can't be used to SS Rainbow Neos (while Fusion Summon = Special Summon, Special Summon =/= Fusion Summon).

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Cyber Twin says: "A FUSION SUMMON OF THIS CARD CAN ONLY BE CONDUCTED with the above Fusion Material monsters"

Meaning you CAN, in fact, Special Summon it from the Extra Deck. You just wont be able to Call of the Haunted it, since it wasnt properly Fusion Summoned.


Rainbow Neos says: "THIS CARD CANNOT BE SPECIAL SUMMMONED EXECPT BY A FUSION SUMMON with the above Fusion Material monsters."

Meaning that you CAN NOT use a Hex monster.


TC, your better off using cards like Primsa/Phantom of chaos.

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