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No Love For The Nurse? Nurse Reficule, That Is.

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  '820reborn said:

Have nurse ref/ simochi on the field.

Cards like Des koala burn.

Gift card let's your opponent gain 3000 lp' date=' but with nurse, the effect is reversed and the opponent loses 3000 lp.

Good against swarm, by the time JD hits the field the opponent won't have eonugh lp to activate his effect.


Thank you.


Would Bottomless Trap Hole work in this deck?

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  '820reborn said:

Dosen't need stall. Every turn' date=' opponent get's burned. Better against LS, since they swarm.

Upstart is a 0...

PoD... Hmm...

Brain Jacker? Never heard of it.



Upstart isn't a 0. It's a 37 card deck, and extra burn. The only possible downside is that it needs Refi to work; Either way, it's worth it as it allows you to get Gift Card easier.


Paths is a slightly less potent Gift Card, I would recommend it.


Brain Jacker's a mini control that burns the opponent each turn w/ Refi. Useful, though I generally don't use it in cure-burn.

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tbh, you're an idiot if you don't main 3 upstarts in nurse burn. I've won games because of upstart > upstart > 2 gift card... You also need to run allure.


Deck needs solemn judgment, 2 oppression and morphing jar. Brain Jacker isn't splashable and people suggesting it are idiots who don't understand that the guy essentially has no effect unless you play level limit, grav bind, messenger, etc... and even when you do use it and have those out there's no reward.


Has anyone tested kuribon?

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Cat of il omen is too slow.

Stealth Bird is pointless without level limit type cards.

Dark cure isn't worth using cause it's easy to play around and too easy to kill off.

Avarice shouldn't be neccessary.

MST is meh...

Plague confuses me.

Not playing level limit and not playing cylinder confuses me... surely people are attacking you directly?


19 monsters in a deck = several monsters in your opening hand most games. That's not a good thing.

19 dark monsters without allure is retarded.


Few more thoughts on the deck.

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  '820reborn said:

@Fraz' date=' last time I looked in the mirror, I WASN'T YOU.


Allure, ok.

The deck is not meant to stall, you'll probably end up winning the 4 turn, tops.

Omen is slow. Do you have a replacement searcher?



Don't play searchers for the sake of it. Just play good cards that are good.

Play allure and upstart and you'll usually be winning 2nd or 3rd turn.

If deck isn't supposed to stall then why play stealth bird, a card which is only good with stall cards.

You have only one outto prime material dragon.

Brain control = pay 800 to either kill a guy or attack directly for lots of damage. Play it.

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