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Milk-Chan vs. Arc [Vote now]


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-First to 6 votes or in 72 hours from first vote

-Votes must have reason

-Only 3+ Star members can vote

-Winner gets 2 reps


Milk-Chan's card:


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned while "Toon World" is on your side of the field. When "Toon World" on the field is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon Monster, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. If a face-up Toon Monster is on your opponent's side of the field, you must select the Toon Monster as an attack target. As long as this card is on the field, both players life points are doubled. When this card Attacks, destroy it. If this card is in the Graveyard for more than 3 turns, remove it from play. If this card is Special Summoned within 3 turns of being sent to the Grave, increase it's ATK by 1000. This card cannot Attack Directly unless it has it's original ATK.

Image credit to an H-Site


Arc's card:


This card cannot be Special Summoned. If there is another FIRE monster on the field, this monster cannot be attacked. Each time a FIRE monster is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, send the top 2 cards from your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard.

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Milk put more effort into it, but with more errors.

Arc has literally no errors and a balanced effect.

Milk's card is a G-Effect. That's something I just made up so don't feel bad if you think we made something up without you guys knowing. G-Effect is something that hasn't really been really been explained yet in TCG(i.e:Cyber Jar's effect).


I'm gonna have to go with Milk. More effort =\

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned while "Toon World" is on your side of the field. When "Toon World" on the field is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon Monster, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. If a face-up Toon Monster is on your opponent's side of the field, you must select the Toon Monster as an attack target. As long as this card is on the field, both players Life Points are doubled. When this card attacks, destroy it. If this card is in the Graveyard for more than 3 turns, remove it from play. If this card is Special Summoned within 3 turns of being sent to the Grave Graveyard, increase it's ATK by 1000. This card cannot attack directly unless it has it's original ATK.


Minor Capitalization Errors..for some reason, like Luna said, the image looks abit pixelally..I don't know if thats a word, but the image does look like that, or in other terms, abit lower quality to me.


Arc's picture is nice, his OCG is perfect.

10/10 Effect is really nice too.


Vote goes to Arc, sorry Milk.

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