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Unexplained Mysteries: Paranormal Phonamena | Currently 22 believers; always accepting | Warning added for teh lulz

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yes. if anyone has seen any tv documentary about it its suppoedly the most haunted plantation in America- hell . . . the world!


Mary Lovou was a house slave who worked for the plantations owner by looking after the children, along with all the other slave chores for someone living in the house. When she was caught eavesdropping her ear was cut off.


After being "used up" by the plantation owner she feared that she'd be replaced. So to show she was still needed she decided to poison the plantation owner's wife and three daughters, but only enough to get them sick. Instead all four ended up dying and Mary Lovou was hanged for her crimes.



Its said that all five of them still roam the plantation to this day and some have claimed to have photographed Mary.

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