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If Kaiba VS. Zane who' d beat who?


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kaiba would, all you idiots saying that kaiba wouldnt be able too bring out his blue eyes as quick as zane would get his cybers out, truth be told you've never seen Kaiba use a deck with Kaibaman, or any of those cards in, so it would be amazingly easy for him too get the blue eyes out, and true what other people said, kaiba is classified as the 2nd best duelist in the world, i meen look, in GX you've got all you little kiddie fans who think jaden and zane are the best ever and could beat yugi or kaiba in a instant, i meen come on, Yugi and kaiba both know there amazing duelists, in GX Yugi dosnt bother in any tournaments or want too be the world champion, because he knows he's the best, he dosnt have too run around winning pointless things and saving the world cause he knows hes the best, and Kaiba, he owns duel academy which teaches all these 'hardcore new duelists' that you think are the best



kaiba would

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Kaiba would absolutely pwn Zane.


Everyone from the GX anime sucks in general. In the first Yugioh series there was an actual plot to it. In GX, there's just a bunch of losers wasting their time going to a dueling school instead of going to college, being a spaz, and havning an annoying theme song and backround music.

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Kaia would win considering his skills and strageties however he never did beat Yugi. (Except once when tried to save Mokuba, but in a way he was cheating), but Yugi is still the King Of Games it never stated or showed he was beat.


They are very similar like the antiheroes :D, but Kaiba would come out on top.

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Just a reminer that next to Yugi' date=' Kaiba is the greatest duelist in the world. They make this clear in the very first episode when Pegasus finds out the world champion was defeated.


In fact, who has defeated Kaiba other than Yugi? Pegasus, but he had the Millenium AND Mokuba. Noah, but he cheated and turned Kaiba to stone.



Joey beat him ONCE. Just once but apart from that Kaiba pwned him. But joey could possibly never beat Zane; His deck just isnt strong enough.

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It would be very closs' date=' but Kaiba has the better chance.



I agree. If Zane started and played Cyber End Dragon with Bond Fusion it would have 8000 ATK. But it dosent matter because Seto has Megamorth and could give Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon 9000 ATK. So Seto has more firepower; and besides, Deck Destruction Virus would destroy Zanes deck in four turns. So I think Seto would win.

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I reckon that Zane would win HANDS DOWN. Not only does he have a monster that he can easily special summon when no other cards are on the field but his monsters have WAY more Atk. Zane also has cards to destroy kaiba's shadow spell and other traps so zane would over come him effortlessly.

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I have a Dragon deck similar to Kaiba's deck and a Machine deck similar to Zane's Cyber Dragon and Chimeratech deck. My Machine deck can overpower almost any deck and that is really saying something because my Dragon deck is pretty powerful. On the show Kaiba may beat Zane but in real life card rulings Zane would beat Kaiba. For future reference ALL Virus cards last only THREE of your opponent's turns, even the Crush Card Virus. On the show, some cards are absolutely broken, especially the Crush Card Virus. A card that can destroy all your opponent's powerful Monsters, c'mon, you can't say that is not broken. Zane like my Machine deck has plenty of powerups. In the old set-up of my Dragon Deck, I could only get Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon's ATK up to about 14000 maybe a bit more and Cyber End Dragon's ATK up to 16000 and Chimeratech Overdragon I could get up to more than 30000 ATK even with only 1 Limiter Removal. Blue-Eyes Shining was with all my other Dragons in my Graveyard and every powerup in my deck and my Cyber Dragon Fusions were with only Power Bond, Limiter Removal, Future Fusion and Overload Fusion.

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Zane can win in one turn if he draws the right cards. Think about it. Cyber Dragon x3 + Power Bond. Cyber End Dragon with 8000 ATK. Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. 4500 ATK. True if Kaiba draws a crippling virus card he can beat Zane easily' date=' maybe in the anime but come on. Virus cards only last 3 turns. Zane could combat the Crush Card Virus with his Cyberdark Monsters and Deck Devistation Virus with his Cyber Dragons. I've never seen Kaiba use the Eradicator Epidemic Virus at all which would cripple any duelist. Even Zane. It would disable Future Fusion, Overload Fusion, Power Bond. All his Fusion and Lifepoint Protecting cards.




True, I also believe that Zane would win.. cuz he got like cyber end dragon (4000 ATK) but he can use like powerbond (double-8000 ATK)

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