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im requesting 2 pics....


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ok, im kinda new to the whole "point and rep" system, but i have a few points and apperently ive been told i dont have to have rep to give some1 else rep....... so if im wrong tell me.....


anyway, i need 2 pictures.


1. i need a picture showing some1 pointing an arrow directly at some1s face


2. i need a picture some a few people firing of some arrows into the sky OR arrows raining down from the sky


the pictures need to be at least sort of the same style as the is on this thread: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=16695


ill willing to pay anything (as long as i have it to give) so just name your price and ill pay it (and plz dont rip me off just cuz im new here...)


thanks in advance

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