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Bleach-The Demon in Los Noches [Basic] [PG-14] [Accepting]

Hollow Ichigo!

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Long Long ago, before most of the current shinigami were born a demon ruled the land that is now Heuco Mundo. This treacherous villian's mark of return is directly inside the floors of Los Noches. While on a search and destroy mission Kenpachi and Byakyua found this tablet in place of one of the tiles on the floor. Just as a random arrancar guard attacked the ground the time on the seal changed. It now said 48 hours. Panicing the captains returned to the soul society to spread the world. 72 hours later this epic demon consumed all of Las Noches and all inside, gaining the power of anyone inside. The only way to stop this horrible beast is to destroy it from the inside, if you dont lose all your powers first.





No Spamming

No character deaths not approved by me

All other YCM rules apply









Zanpakto's Name:

Bankai Form:

Normal appearance:

Special talents:








Rank:newly appointed Capatain

Zanpakto's Name:Lunaten

Bankai Form:Moonlit_Shinigami_by_UdonNodu.jpg

Normal appearance:


Special talents: Can control water/ice;Extreeme speed;Is a visord




Any questions just pm me

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Name: Omaru Uryu

Gender: Male

Squad: 1

Rank: Captain

Zanpakto's Name: Zangetzugi

Bankai Form:

[spoiler=Bankai]Zangetzugi looks anything like a normal sword. It is still as long as It always was, but it now has a formal hilt, crossguard and blade.A short length of chain dangles from the base of the curved hilt. For Tensu Zangetzugi's ability, it takes everything that most bankai put into being big and translates it into speed boosts for Omaru. The boosts are big enough that Omaru can launch Getsurugi Tenshezu from two totally opposite sides of a target *almost simultaneously*.Like Renji and Ichigo, Omaru himself also changes appearance, all but very slightly. The top half of his shinigami blacks becomes a sort of suit topcoat instead of a kimono, pinned together at one spot, then left to flare out into ragged ends.


Normal appearance:Omaru

Special talents: command thunder, excellent speed, is a soul reaper

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Name: Zak

Gender: Male

Squad: 5th

Rank: Captain

Zanpakto's Name: Mizuken

[spoiler=Shikai: ]abillity: contains about 2000 gallons of water(average amount for an in ground pool), can be manipulated at will.



[spoiler=Bankai Form: ]abillity: made up or about 40 million gallons of water(about the amount of a large lake), all water in bankai & sarounding area can be manipulated completly



[spoiler=Normal appearance: ]857713890.jpg


Special talents: He is considered the best when it comes to kido, having mastered all 99 of both binding & destruction. And even created a #100 of each.

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