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i thought i saw, and heard freaking ghosts

cursed dragon

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I haven't encountered one but my dad did.


My Dad went to London and stayed in a hotel. He then felt that something was rocking his bed. It frightened him but he stayed calm. Suddenly the lights in his room started to keep turning on and off. He got angry and instead went out of his room. There were only two people on the whole floor; My dad and his co-worker. And then my Dad shouted at the corridor' date=' "In the name of God I command you to GET THE F*** OOOOOOUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTT!!!"

And all the windows and the tall doors started moving and banging themselves non-stop.

"SH*T! COME OVER HERE!!" shouted his shocked co-worker who wanted to leave the place with him.


The Hotel eventually admitted that my dad's room was somehow haunted.



Sounds ..... fun?? 0.o


Anyways, I personally don't like to believe in that spiritual stuff but I can't stop thinking "There's something watching me",etc. when I'm in a dark room by myself (well, that and I'm an immature kid *giggles* so ...).


End of story, you made up this story to get attention. (Honest opinion)


Nope. Did not make it up.

(Pics or it didn't happen much? XD)

His senior co-worker was witness to it and my dad admitted that it did scare the heck out of him. (^_^)


I never said out loud that you were lying about the story .... 0.o

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i dont belive in gohsts.

gohsts are for attention seekers.

"oooooohhhhhhh!!!!! i saw a gohst!"

yeah' date=' as if somethings gonna come to you and only you from the dead to say "wazzup?"



Only that ghosts don't come up to you. They stay in the same area because of some sort of incident such as killed in that area.

Sometimes they appear or do something at a certain time, because they were probably killed on that time and etc.

Also, you can't exactly hear ghosts. You may hear a slight whisper, but that's it.

Also, what is a "gohst"?

Some stupid variant spelling of ghost?

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i dont belive in gohsts.

gohsts are for attention seekers.

"oooooohhhhhhh!!!!! i saw a gohst!"

yeah' date=' as if somethings gonna come to you and only you from the dead to say "wazzup?"

[/quote'] yea nice sarcasam


Only that ghosts don't come up to you. They stay in the same area because of some sort of incident such as killed in that area.

Sometimes they appear or do something at a certain time, because they were probably killed on that time and etc.

Also, you can't exactly hear ghosts. You may hear a slight whisper, but that's it.

Also, what is a "gohst"?

Some stupid variant spelling of ghost?

what you are saying is mostly true. i do believe, but not fully.
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I'm one of those science freaks(to some extent) who say "If it can't be proved by science' date=' it's not real."

No ghost. Where you tripping balls or something?



This isn't fake, so it must be real:


Its not real.

If it can be edited by an editing software, its not real. Or if its made by doing microwave + Soap/anything that expands explosively when encountered with heat = That, then its real.

Do you honestly believe a monster arose from a cell phone ._.

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I'm one of those science freaks(to some extent) who say "If it can't be proved by science' date=' it's not real."

No ghost. Where you tripping balls or something?



This isn't fake, so it must be real:


Its not real.

If it can be edited by an editing software, its not real. Or if its made by doing microwave + Soap/anything that expands explosively when encountered with heat = That, then its real.

Do you honestly believe a monster arose from a cell phone ._.


I never said it was a monster.

Besides, you would have to be a god at graphics, and no one can be that masterful.

And with the soap part, a jaw opened twice. And if you pay attention, you can see a hand hit the window. And the fuse blows either the house, or the whole block judging the dog barking.

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i heard more paranormal activity.

i was in my room when i heard moaning in the hallway. i grabbed a candle and put it down in front of my room and said "if you are contacting me, put out the candle" as soon as i said that watching the candle, it went out. I then went back in my room and yelled in my pillow. i will report anymore paranormal activity once i hear, see, taste,or feel it.

This is all fake' date=' I don't believe in the paranormal. Someone lock this thread.


They're not going to lock this thread because of you.


Shh.. We want to make him feel better. <_<

In about 1 million years at least.


oh ha ha Nice sarcasm

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This is all fake' date=' I don't believe in the paranormal. Someone lock this thread.


They're not going to lock this thread because of you.


Shh.. We want to make him feel better. <_<

In about 1 million years at least.


oh ha ha Nice sarcasm


Yes very.


And Pancakes are yum.

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This is all fake' date=' I don't believe in the paranormal. Someone lock this thread.


They're not going to lock this thread because of you.


Shh.. We want to make him feel better. <_<

In about 1 million years at least.


oh ha ha Nice sarcasm


Yes very.


And Pancakes are yum.


I know which flavor do you like? Mines chocolate.

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