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Alchemists Chemistry


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I love Alchemy, so decided to base a set on a Full Metal Alchemist



















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they're nice cards, and I agree on the whole image code thing (type "img" before the link and "/img" after it, but change the "s for square brackets [])


I don't personally feel the pictures for the Homunculus cards are correct. Not all should be thin women... particularly Gluttony. If you ask me, the picture you used for Gluttony would be a lot better as the picture for Lust, the piccy for Lust looks more like Wrath... but the pictures for Envy and Pride were good choices. Gluttony, Greed and Sloth should probably have other pictures that more closely resemble the characteristics of the name of the sin.


Anyway, 8/10 from me :)

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