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Dragon Lords PLEASE LOCK

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[align=center]Gah.. I need to get off my xbox/PS3 and start getting active on this site again D:


I also forgot my DC username and password so I guess I have to make a new one...plus its saying that the email I used to activate my account with dosn't exist XD[/align]



And yeah PS3 has stopped me from doing many DC related things too.

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tbh i dont like the lookof deep sea fully grown...and i got idea for new dragon! its an..um...songdragon! it is easily tamed and very friendly, it is light blue-yellow..light blue with yelow eyes and yellow belly..it is very very cute as well...


and what dragon is the very top dragonon this pic? is it going to be released soon or was it released years go? wat dragon is it? Wikia_badge1.png

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tbh i dont like the lookof deep sea fully grown...and i got idea for new dragon! its an..um...songdragon! it is easily tamed and very friendly' date=' it is light blue-yellow..light blue with yelow eyes and yellow belly..it is very very cute as well...


and what dragon is the very top dragonon this pic? is it going to be released soon or was it released years go? wat dragon is it? [img']http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/dragcave/images/8/87/Wikia_badge1.png[/img]


Its a water dragon, why, it has been already released, that is the dragon you need to produce a sparkle egg with the sky dragon.

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So hard to get over over 9000 posts D:

Well that was an unnecessary spam one :|



why isnt it omn dracavewikia? and the ONLY way to get it is tobreed a "sparkle egg??" with a "sky dragon?u mean skywing?" and sorry oi posted it 2 times..

wat 2 dragons make sparlkle egg? and the water dragon is this> Water3.gif

The dragon at the top of that picture IS a water dragon, but it is not one of the official DC sprites. It was made by someone with the sole intention of being put in that banner. Thus, it is not and never will be obtainable.


And secondly, what XzY means is a "speckled" egg, not "sparkled." It's made by breeding a Water Dragon (or Deepsea Dragon) with a Skywing Dragon.

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i love look of that "water drAGON" on banner...its my favourite sprite now, shame it isnt obtainable....ive got to search through 100 pages! to find how?!


EDIT:look at male pink then compare shape to skywing....kinda same shape right??i found that out a couple of days ago! i am sad :( i wated my pink to be female! oh well...a pink is a pink..at least its another makle! i got milliongs of female! :(

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Sunrises and Sunsets are all based on the time of day the egg hatches.


If a Sun Egg hatches near the start to middle of the day, a sunrise is born. If it hatches from the middle to the end of the day, a Sunset is born. (Idr the specific times, but there is a period of time in which a Sun Egg is not capable of hatching at all)

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Sunrises and Sunsets are all based on the time of day the egg hatches.


If a Sun Egg hatches near the start to middle of the day' date=' a sunrise is born. If it hatches from the middle to the end of the day, a Sunset is born. (Idr the specific times, but there is a period of time in which a Sun Egg is not capable of hatching at all)



Yep, know that. An apearantly I live in a day zone. Even at 20.30!


ya.....its probaly cause you get eggs at certain time of day they hatch certain time of day......i read the wiki on them ages ago.....if i see an egg that i havnt got in AC or mystery egg i havnt got i look it up on dragcavewikia


I memorized most of them. I kinda have a weaker form of a fotographic memory.

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