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The REAL Poke Riddles. [Winner rewarded]


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Alright these are the real Poke Riddles! The winners are rewarded with Rep. HArd ones are a rep and 20 points! First few are easy. Credit To .Gandora and CeDeFiA else for the idea. These are going to get fun So keep guessing!


[spoiler=1st Riddle]-Hitmonchan

I Train In the Finest Dojos. Extending my legs to the max.



[spoiler=Riddle 2]Psyduck

IM am a water Pokemon but I cannot swim



[spoiler=3rd Riddle]Houndoom

Im a deadly dog straight from Hell



[spoiler=4th Riddle]Slugma

I slither In the Volcano's of the world



[spoiler=5th riddle]Hitmontop

I like to Kick, Punch and stand on my head.



[spoiler=6th Riddle]Porygon Z

My Upgrades are rare. If you find me you shall forever be rewarded



[spoiler=7th Riddle]

When I get Mad, You Better Watch out, I go mad with my Pig nose Flaring.



[align=center]People I owe Reps to:



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