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Should this be stickied?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Should this be stickied?

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I think not.


This will be ignored like every other sticky on the forum. It's merit is also pointless, considering it's objective is to cause member's who have been here for over a month to not make a thread, which is not undersirable nor against the rules as it may just help some of us to get to know them a bit more as the better of Introductions do. With standing which, any member who has retruned after a long state of absense will most likely see the other sticky before this one called "The Leaving/Return and Birthday Thread", that is, if someone who anybody actually remembers they were previously a member of this site, and their password, AND actually can be bothered to return, is highly unlikely and has only happened thrice to my memory. Finally, anybody who so deeply wishes to become noticed and did or did not post here during their first month will notice another sticky called "Will you be my friend?", which, for those who are actually pathetic enough to bother about friends, should appeal to their most base instincts.


Any objections?

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