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Torterra? Really?

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Natural Landols



1 EARTH Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner EARTH monsters.

While this card is face-up on the field' date=' discard 1 Spell Card to negate the effect of an Effect Monster and destroy it.[/quote']

The left peice of the Natural line of Synchro negators not as good as the other 2 but still can see some play I guess.


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We have an Infernape' date=' can't remeber the card name though. Now all we need is Empoleon. Future generic Synchro?



Flamvell Paun...


And if it was the case it must be an Ice Barrier monster to follow the DT theme...XD


Anyway as many of you mentioned the card is not as good as Beast and Balkion but the new DT bring a good amount of good Earth tuner so....

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Airbellum? Many Naturia/X-Saber to some extent? The ones in the OCG? Where this is released?


I don't like this in X-Sabers, they already have Urbellum. Although this could sometimes be better than Urbellum in a pinch, Urbellum's an X-Saber, so it gets their support, which is pretty critical in an X-Saber Deck.


Guess it could work for Naturias as a second to BRD, but otherwise I'm not seeing it for many Decks. EARTH monsters aren't usually run with Tuners with good results outside of X-Sabers/Naturias.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Naturia Landols

(Level 7/EARTH/2350/1600)

[Rock / Synchro / Effect]

Return 2 cards that were removed from play to the top of their owner's Deck to negate the activation and effect of an Effect Monster's effect, and destroy the monster.


Thereby completing the lockdown. I can't say it's much better, but it is certainly preferable to the current effect.

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