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Dark Flame Warrior Elimination Tournament ENDED


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WRONG! XD the earthbound immortals power is derived from darkness and despair. the master of afore mentioned earthbound immortals is thus also a darkness related power. the sea of chaos is unending, and has much more power. XD jusr watch the slayers next episodes 25 and 26 if you don't believe me. XD

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WRONG! XD the earthbound immortals power is derived from darkness and despair. the master of afore mentioned earthbound immortals is thus also a darkness related power. the sea of chaos is unending' date=' [b']and[/b] has much more power. XD jusr watch the slayers next episodes 25 and 26 if you don't believe me. XD


I do not watch that show

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the enigma isn't even in the same league with chaos and immortals, way out of it, in fact. the chaos and the immortals are above the enigma by far, but the chaos is higher then even the immortals. XP

and... -trouts the piss outta dark flame warrior- ...congratulations, you officially suck, and stink of fish. here's your prize. -rams a smaller, but still very large trout into dark flame warriors mouth for him to suck on- :twisted::twisted::twisted:

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the enigma isn't even in the same league with chaos and immortals' date=' way out of it, in fact. the chaos and the immortals are above the enigma by far, but the chaos is higher then even the immortals. XP

and... -trouts the piss outta dark flame warrior- ...congratulations, you officially suck, and stink of fish. here's your prize. -rams a smaller, but still very large trout into dark flame warriors mouth for him to suck on- :twisted::twisted::twisted:



I thought the Immortals because Immortal means very powerful pretty much

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even so, perhaps a thread more angled toward the occasional contest and allows talking? i know! you can change the title so as to allow for that! :mrgreen: although, that would likely mean that the thread would be moved and those of us who have posted here would lose the post count for posts here. :shock: what to do.

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Field of Darkness and Light

Field Spell

Once per turn, you can flip all cards on the field face-down. Once per turn, you can flip all cards on the field face-up in Defense Position, treat all monster on the field as having been Flip Summoned, and activate all Spell or Trap cards that can be activated during this time. (If a Spell or Trap card cannot be activated at this time is flipped face-up, return it to its original position. If a Spell or Trap card was just set this turn, it cannot be activated by this card's effect.) Monsters that are affected by any of these card's effects cannot be attacked this turn.


EDIT: We're supposed to support a Type of monster? If FLIP monsters don't count then rate this instead.


Metallic Volcano

Field Spell Card

When an "Energy" Spell Card is activated or a FIRE monster is Summoned, place 1 Spell Counter on this card. You can remove 3 Spell Counters from this card to add up to 2 cards in your Deck which are FIRE monsters, Metal-type monsters, "Fire Energy", or "Metal Energy" to your hand. If you activate this effect, you cannot add any more Spell Counters to this card. As long as this card is on the field, all FIRE monsters, Machine-type monsters, and monsters with "Metal" in their name are treated as Metal-type.


I use the Metal-type often enough for you to allow me to use it. If not, then shoot yourself in the leg. >_>. Anyways, you can find any mentioned cards also in the Written cards thread "Resurrection of the Fire Energy." (You can also search for Metal/Effect or such to look for examples of Metal-type monsters.)

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