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[spoiler=Volume 1]

Scathing Hydra


Level 9

LIGHT Attribute

Sea Serpent/Synchro/Effect

1 or more Tuner monsters + 0 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card attacks, it is treated as having no Attribute. Twice per turn, destroy 1 Attack Position monster your opponent controls that has less ATK than this monster, of 1 Defense Position monster your opponent controls that has less DEF than this card's ATK (If this effect targets a Defense Position monster, flip it face-up.) This effect cannot be negated by the effects of cards that have a cost to negate this effect.


Scathing Scorpion


Level 5

LIGHT Attribute


FLIP: Destroy 1 card on the field and send this card to the Extra Deck. If this card is in the Extra Deck when a "Scathing" monster is Summoned, place 1 counter on this card. When there are 4 counters on this card, you can Charge Summon this card from the Extra Deck in face-up Attack Position, face-up Defense Position, or in face-down Defense Position. You can remove 1 counter on this card to attack, regardless of whether this card has attacked this turn. When this card battles, increase this card's ATK by 1582 during damage calculation only. Once per turn, you can flip this card face-down.


Scathing Mimic


Level 4

LIGHT Attribute


This card cannot be Normal Summoned. This card can only be Set by placing it in a Spell and Trap Card Zone. When this card is about to be destroyed by your opponent's effect while Set, inflict 500 damage to your opponent's Life Points plus 100 for each "Scathing" monster on the field and in your Extra Deck. and Special Summon this card. Increase this card's ATK by 1000 during damage calculation only.


Scathe Mote

Spell Card

Remove from play 4 cards in your Graveyard to treat a "Scathing" monster you control as having just been Normal / Special / Flip / Synchro / Fusion / Charge / Unite / Wave Summoned. (Search the Written Cards section for more info.)


Scathing Cake

Counter Trap

Negate the activation of a card that lets your opponent add cards to their hand or increases the number of cards your opponent controls, and remove it from play. Inflict 1300 damage to your opponent for every card that would be added to your opponent's hand or Field by the card that was negated by this card's effect.


Good things are cakes. And the cake is a lie.


Burst From The Sands

Normal Spell

Look at the top 10 cards of your Deck. Select one of them and place that card on top of your Deck.




Scathing Phoenix


Level 7

LIGHT Attribute

Winged Beast/Fusion/Effect

2 "Scathing" monsters + 1 card

This card can only be Fusion Summoned by removing from play this card's Fusion materials from either side of the field, except the 1 card must be a card you control. When this card is Special Summoned, but not Fusion Summoned, inflict 1254 damage to your opponent. If this card is in the Graveyard, you can Special Summon it by removing from play this card's Fusion Materials from the Graveyard or Field, except that the 1 card must be a card in your Graveyard or a card you control, and 1 of this card's Fusion materials must be from the field. You can Tribute this card to Special Summon 1 "Scathing" monster from your Graveyard or Extra Deck, ignoring the Summoning conditions. Remove from play all cards in your Graveyard afterwards.


Scathing Concurrence

Continuous Spell

As long as this card is on the field, "Scathing" monsters can attack monsters 3 times a turn and their attack is reduced by 1000. When a "Scathing" monster attacks, inflict 500 damage to your opponent before damage calculation. If this card is destroyed, inflict 1028 damage to your opponent.


Skybound God Xec0 Aegis


Level 9

LIGHT Attribute

Winged Beast/Effect

When this card is Summoned, destroy all monsters on the field that are DARK or whose Levels are less than 4 or are 10, 8, or 6. When this card attacks, destroy all Spell and Trap cards on the field that have "DARK" in their name or card text and discard all cards in both players' hands that are DARK Attribute or whose Levels are equal to 6, 8, or 10.


Its special attack, Impulse, purges all darkness. Heartless are especially intolerant to it, usually giving a humorous scream and then exploding.


Natural Selection

Normal Spell

Select 1 Type. Destroy all cards on the field with that Type or have that Type in that card text and inflict 501 damage to each player for each card they controlled that was destroyed by this card's effect. (Flip Spell and Trap cards face-up to see if they get destroyed by this card's effect. If they are not destroyed, flip them face-down.)


Disaster of Intolerance[/i]

Normal Trap

Select 1 Attribute. Destroy all cards on the field with that Attribute or have that Attribute in their card text and inflict 550 damage to each player for every card they controlled that was destroyed by this card's effect. (Flip Spell and Trap cards face-up to see if they get destroyed by this card's effect. If they are not destroyed, flip them face-down.)

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You might want to include some sort of infobox on Charge, Unite and Wave, to make it easier for the rest of us. I remember Charge fair enough, and I know I've seen Wave, but the ol' memory is still kinda hazy.


Hydra is somewhat overpowered IMO, being able to destroy pretty much any two monsters (there aren't that many 3100+) and still attack a third can be devastating.


I have this odd feeling that Scorpion's ATK boost is over-the-top, but I could use a reminder on Charge.


I simply love Mimic.


I'm pretty sure Mote could be worded differently, but still good support I think.


Cake is win: Only a tad OP due to the high damage.


Burst is a better Pokédex.

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Charge: Whenever a Charge monster is in the Extra Deck and a certain condition is fulfilled, a counter is placed on it. When a Charge monster has enough counters, you can Special Summon it.


Wave: Well, it's like a Synchro Summon for ATK and DEF. You send a number of monsters to the Graveyard whose ATK or DEF equals a number in the range that is dictated on the card (like "This card can be Wave Summoned by sending the above Wave Materials to the Graveyard whose total ATK is between 2300 and 3300") and then remove from play a different set of monsters (you don't remove from play the same cards you sent to the Graveyard for the Wave Summoning) whose total ATK/DEF also equal a number in a range dictated by the card.


Unity: Damn, I forgot. Gonna be using the search function on this.


The search function is your friend.

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