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Yugioh: Fusion of Worlds, and Formation of Chaos [Basic][lock]


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Reiko began pursuing the Dark Signer they called Tara. She was slightly nervous, as this was her first job that she had to keep a eye on them. She then saw the her turn around and quickly hid behind a tree. What is with this girl? One time she's a evil fool and next she acts all nice, theres got to be something up.

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"So we are at a stand still. we still need to get Crimios and Gale." James noticed the dragon. "Yes! Crimios!" He flew up to it and it was absorbed into it's card. James had seen its visions, but felt in pain while seeing them. "Ahh! Maybe... this... has to do... with Tara's copy.. of.. Crimios."

ooc:done for tonight. bye.

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