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Yugioh: Fusion of Worlds, and Formation of Chaos [Basic][lock]


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"how do you know? i'm a spirit now." James slapped Ivy's tail out of his chest and went flying through buildings at a fast speed.

ooc:won't be on much this weekend. i'm going to Cedar Point for Halloweekens for FREE! but i have to be in a parade. and sunday is the sneek peak so i'll be going to that. so this will be the last real day of progress in the story until monday. :)

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OOC: MY character's most likely gonna be searching for a while so heres my new one

Name: Reiko Jourme

Age: 15

Gender: Female


Appearance: Reiko's hair is a dark blue and is usually cut short. She has amber eyes, and often dons a light blue shirt usually covered by a white jacket. With white pants as well.

Signer Dragon: N/A

Duel Disk: A

light blue one with yellow gems on each section.

Duel Spirit: Des Koala

Deck: Beast

Bio: N/A

Side: Currently Light

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