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Yugioh: Fusion of Worlds, and Formation of Chaos [Basic][lock]


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"Yeah thats it, sue me" Will said, keeping a serious tone. He then had a urge to kill Black at that point but then his mind replied and kept himself under control.



OOC: Yeah, I guess that I must've guessed a bunch of stuff. I'm probably gonna be losing advantage until I go all Dark Signer.

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OoC: Hope I didn't get lost... have you seen this move already?


"I draw, then pay 500 of my Life Points to Special Summon Batteryman AA from my Graveyard in Attack Position with Battery Charger. I sacrifice it to summon Batteryman Charger! His effect, I summon a Batteryman from my Deck, so I choose Batteryman D in Defense Position. Batteryman Charger gains 300 ATK for each Thunder monster I control, including itself. That, along with the Seal Of Light, boosts its ATK points from 1800 to 2900. I attack Tytannial!"

OoC: Responses?

P.S.: Batteryman D protects other Batteryman monsters from beign attack. Level 1, Light, Thunder, 0000 ATK, 1900 DEF.

Charger: Light, Thunder, Level 5, 2900 ATK, 1500 DEF.

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"I tune my Dragon Guardian with my Witch, Synchro Summoning Volcano Fighter Vesuvius!" Ilana said as a hulking brute appeared "Then I activate its Special Ability, negating the effects of all monsters on the field, and I'll end my turn by Attacking Mark's little pixie" (4000->1000)


Ilana's LP: 4000

Hand: 4

Monsters: VF Vesuvius (3100/2300)

S/T: 2 f/d


"I Summon Seraph Angel in Defense Mode and activate his effect, reviving my Cherubim Angel." Two winged humanoids appeared on the field "Next I tune them both to Summon Uriel the Angel of Divine Light! Now I set two cards and attack Spell Reactor!"


Mark's LP: 1000

Hand: 1

Field Spell:

Monsters: Uriel the Angel of Divine Light (2500]/1500)

S/T: 2


[spoiler=cards]Volcano Fighter Vesuvius


Level 7


1 FIRE-Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner EARTH Monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, Negate the effects of your opponent's cards until the End Phase. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.



Seraph Angel


Level 5


If the only Monsters in your Graveyard are LIGHT-Attribute Fairy-type and you have no monsters on the field, you may Special Summon this card from your hand. When this card is Summoned, Special Summon 1 LIGHT-Attribute Fairy-type Monster in your graveyard with the lowest level and weakest combined ATK and DEF.



Uriel, the Angel of Divine Light


Level 6


1 LIGHT-Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner LIGHT Monsters

When this card is Destroys a Monster by Battle, destroy 1 DARK monster on the field. When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster.



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OoC: Nope. Any responses to this move?


"Hmph.... resisting again." Heinrich watched as Batteryman Charger crashed right into Tytannial, reducing his own Life Points to 300.


I'm not exactly in a good situation here...


"See, Heinrich? This is what you get for being so blind to the truth. This 'Light' you follow, it isn't the answer." Freed stood behind him, having that disapproving tone in his mouth.


"Shut your mouth already, Spirit. I don't want to hear it from you. Go away!" He looked at the sole card in his hand. Turning back to his opponent, he announced his next move. "Thanks to Hand Destruction early, I have a Batteryman AA in my Graveyard and Batteryman C in my Graveyard. I remove them both from play to Special Summon Batteryman Industrial Strength." A large silver, Industrial sized Battery appeared upon the field, sprouting eyes and live wires. "I remove the Batteryman Charger in my Graveyard to destroy one Monster and one Spell/Trap on the field. I'm selecting Tytannial and the equipped Plant Food Chain."


This was it. It was coming down to the wire, and things didn't look good for Heinrich. The Signer had him back up against the wall.


Behind him, the blonde man spoke up once again.


"Heinrich, don't make me come save your butt..."



The Seal Of Light

Batteryman D (0500, 1900, LIGHT, Thunder, Protects other Batteryman from attacks)

Batteryman Industrial Strength (3100, 0000, LIGHT, Thunder, remove a Thunder in Grave to destroy one monster and one Spell/Trap on the field {Once per turn})

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"I'm hear" The cat said' date=' leaping onto James' shoulder "But no one else is" She looked around "Normally, the inside of Tara's mind is a sandy beach but..." She gestured around with her unnaturally long tail, "There's nothing here"[/color']

"Huh, then maybe this is an effect of the Seal of Darkness." James wasn't sure what to think. "Well anyways, that why we're here,to stop the seal from spreading though her."

ooc:might i suggest fortune ladies?

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"I draw, and Summon Botanical Lion! He gains 200 ATK for each Plant I control. Attack his Batteryman!"

The Lion reared, jumped, roared, and cut through the oversize battery.

"Now, before Tytannial attacks directly, I have but one question for your Duel Spirit there. Should I finish your partner off, he shall be turned to stone. But I may have the power to save him. What say you, Duel Spirit? Would you like for me to uncover your partner's former life?"


OOC: In other words, do you want to keep this character, Ferret?

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"I would enjoy nothing more than having my former partner back to his normal self. But, that is something he needs to decide for himself."


Heinrich looked at The Seal Of Light upon the ground. It began to blind him all of a sudden. The Light was almost too much to handle.


"The Light will guide me to the new future... The Light will make sure everyone knows of the glorious reward that is to be awarded to those who accept it. The Light will decide my fate..."


He was rambling now. He looked At Tytannial with fear in his eyes. Heinrich knew just as well as anyone else what happened to those who lost these games.


"Well... do as you see fit, Signer. I will stand by Heinrich until his life's end, be it now or 60 years from now..."

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"Hop on" Ivy said, growing to her LV7 mode, gaining armor and about a foot and a half of height "Trust me, it's a long and annoying road"


"Neither" Mark said "I activate my Spell Card Graceful Reverse. Now you pick, discard 2 cards, pay 1000 Life Points, or destroy your Spell Card"


[spoiler=card]Graceful Reverse



Activate only when your opponent activates a Spell Card. Your opponent must discard 2 card, or pay 1000 Life Points or negate and destroy their Spell Card. If they chose to discard, draw 2 cards, if they pay Life Points, gain 1000 Life Points. If they choose to destroy the card, add one Spell Card to your hand.


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