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Yugioh: Fusion of Worlds, and Formation of Chaos [Basic][lock]


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"I don't hate you" Mark told Will "I hate the Darkness that's infected your heart, I know nothing about you personally"


"You Dark Seal Users killed my brother" White Snow Dragon responded coldly "I'm not as forgiving as Mark is though, I don't want your salvation, I want you all to burn for all eternity"


"I was gone" Ilana told him "Now I'm back and stronger than ever" She smiled and raised her hand, causing The Seal of Darkness in Tara's deck to fly into her hand "See?" She said "Natural Psychic Duelist powers with a Dark Seal boost" she laughed "I can activate Spell Cards from my deck now, that one's called Spell Telekinesis" She clutched her side "Of course, that means I lost Life Points but oh well, they grow back"

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"Fine go talk to the boss" Ilana told him "He'll tell you exactly what I just told you, I'm back" She smiled "But, in case you don't want to be bossed around by an extremely attractive blonde, I'll put in a good word and promote you" She offered "After all, you just turned a Signer 3/4ths of the way to our side" She winked "Or so my official report will say"

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"Hmm so its the Darkness eh? Maybe I ought to do something". He then left for the location of Black, which he had put on his radar Duel Disk. Soon he saw him in the horizon, he then said "Hey pal, I see that the second-in-command is still here. Well I'm guessing she won't mind that I challenge her for my pride back!" He said while his Duel Disk transformed into its dueling form.

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"Hmmph so the little hero boys gonna help me with this one. This ought to be fun..... But I'm here for another reason" Will said rolling up one of his sleeves to reveal a small purple mark of a humanoid figure. "Even since I joined you guys I got this dang mark. I've been trying to get rid of it for sometime but it doesn't seem to want to leave yet. So I guess if I actually duel a Dark Seal to show that I'm not with you guys it'll finally be gone and I'll be able to live my life not shunned by society. Am I right?" He asked Ilana with a surprising serious tone to it.

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"Fine, I win I get your souls and your decks" Ilana stated "What do you get when you win?" Ilana asked with an evil grin


"When I win, I want to give up my soul in your place and relieve you from the burden of being a Dark Seal Using Psychic Duelist" Mark said simply "And I want you to protect Tara where I have failed" he looked over at Will "Your terms?"

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"Ivy, don't you think too much evil might be bad for you?" James then noticed the 4-way battle. "Grrrrr, Black! Again? And who's this, your girl friend from the dark side?" James noticed Tara was getting worse. "Ivy, don't try it, i got an idea." All the signer marks glowed the disappeared on James back. He than fainted, but his spirit was transported into Tara's thoughts. "Ivy! are you here too?" He had seen Gale already.

ooc:Duel Planned. Tara's inner evil VS James. Try a different Deck than what you normally use Blackstone, and also something original.

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"I'm hear" The cat said, leaping onto James' shoulder "But no one else is" She looked around "Normally, the inside of Tara's mind is a sandy beach but..." She gestured around with her unnaturally long tail, "There's nothing here"


"You assume I need your help, Black?" Ilana asked with a sultry laugh "Their intention was to challenge me to what we nicknamed a V duel" She shrugged "But if you want to 'help' me out, that's fine by me"

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"Whats with everyone calling me that lately? Aw screw it I'll just go" He said drawing his first five cards then getting a additional one. "Well I summon Koa'ki Meiru Boulder ( in attack position, now I activate the spell card Core Compression, I discard my Koa'ki Meiru Ice and reveal my Iron Core, to draw two cards. Now I play two cards facedown and reveal my Iron Core again to keep Boulder on the field, your turn Miss Ilana".

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OOC: You don't need to pay a maintenance cost for Boulder and the cost is either reveal a (type)-Type Monster or DISCARD an Iron Core


"I Draw and Summon Mountain Guardian - Boulder Dragon in Defense Mode, allowing me to Special Summon Fire Amazon's Witch in Attack Mode. Finally, I set two cards face-down and end my turn"


Ilana's LP: 4000

Hand: 3

Monsters: MG - Boulder Dragon (0/2500), Fire Amazon's Witch (1700/1800)

S/T: 2 f/d



"I activate the Field Spell Card Divine Sanctuary and Summon Cherubim Angel in Defense Mode" Mark said "I end my turn"


Mark's LP: 4000

Hand: 3

Field Spell: Divine Sanctuary

Monsters: Cherubim Angel (100/900)

S/T: 0


[spoiler=cards]Mountain Guardian - Boulder Dragon


Level 4


If this card is in face-up Attack Position, destroy it. When this card is Normal Summoned, Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower FIRE Monster whose DEF is greater than its ATK.



Fire Amazon's Witch


Level 3


Each time you activate a Spell or Trap card, increase this card's Level by 1. This card cannot be used for a Synchro Summon the turn it is Special Summoned from your deck.



Divine Sanctuary

Field Spell

"Angel" Monsters on your side of the field gain 500 DEF points. Every time a Monster attacks, after the Battle Phase, Destroy the Attacking Monster and inflict damage to your opponent equal to its ATK points.


Cherubim Angel


Level 1


This card cannot be selected as an Attack target while it is face-up on the field



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"I'll go then I guess. I use the effect of Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru to return it. Now I summon Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand in attack position (2100/1600). Now I activate the spell card, Iron Core Armor which I equip to my Powerhand. Now my Boulder attacks your Spell Reactor and my Powerhand attacks her Fire Amazon's Witch."

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