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Yugioh: Fusion of Worlds, and Formation of Chaos [Basic][lock]


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"I activate my trap, Buster Mode!" Tara called "Arise, Ancient Fairy Dragon Slash Buster!!" She called as the dragon gained body armor "Your Crimios's effect is canceled out" The dragon roared and lashed at the ground, digging a trench


Tara's LP: 4000

Hand: 0

Monsters: AFD/Buster (2600/3500)

S/T: 0

SPC: 2


[spoiler=card]Ancient Fairy Dragon/Buster


Level 9


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except with its own effect or with "Buster Mode". Once per turn, you can Special Summon 2 level 4 or lower monsters from your hand or deck. Once per turn, you can destroy 1 Field or Continuous Spell Card on the field. If you do, your opponent loses 1000 Life Points and you can add one Spell Card to your hand. When this card on the field is destroyed, you can Special Summon 1 "Ancient Fairy Dragon" from your Graveyard.



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OOC: What about Xiaolong?


"I draw" Tara said "And I Summon Shifting Sands - Stealth Assassin. Next I activate its effect, Releasing it and destroying one face down card on the field!" Tara said "Now, Ancient Fairy Dragon, Attack his Stardust Dragon! Infinite Sunshine!"


OOC: Can AFD's effect Destroy Seals?


Tara's LP: 4000

Hand: 0

Field Spells: The Seal of Darkness and Speed World 2

Monsters: AFD/Buster (3100/4000)

S/T: 0



[spoiler=card]Shifting Sands - Stealth Assassin


Level 4


Release this card and destroy face-down card on the field. When Desert Sands is on the field, you do not need to Release this card to activate its effect.



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also, for the lulz

Just 15 minutes can save you 15% or more with Ccarayhua[/bad Geico Joke]

IC:"Draw! Now i Summon Shura the blue flame and play crimios now i summon RED STAR DRAGON!

[spoiler=Red Star Dragon]

Stardust + Crimios


ATK:3000 DEF:2700

(insert crimios effect summon here) Once per turn, you can negate all cards your opponent controls. While this effect is activated, your opponent can't play set spell or trap cards. If this card is destroyed, Special summon one Stardust Dragon from your graveyard uesd to fusion summon this card.



"All your cards are negated so buster is down to 2600. Now attack, CRIMSON SONIC STREAM!!!"

ooc: i need to get off. i'll get back on real quick in a little bit.

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"I draw" Tara said "Then I activate Speed Spell - Speed Saber, increasing Ancient Fairy Dragon's Attack by 250 for every Speed Counter I have" 2100->3350 "Now Ancient Fairy Dragon, destroy his Red Star Dragon!"


Tara's LP: 3600

Field Spells: The Seal of Darkness and Speed World 2

Hand: 0

Monsters: AFD (3350/3000)

S/T: 0

SPC: 5


[spoiler=card]Speed Spell - Speed Saber



Activate only if you have 3 or more SPC. Increase the equipped Monster's ATK by 250 for every SPC on your side of the field. Destroy this card when you have 2 SPC or less.


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Will's own hand began throbbing oddly, it must have been the Duel Disk reacting to a new target. "Yes," he cried with glee "I've tracked down someone, however I can't start the duel yet but with this I can keep a eye on his or her's Duel Runner". Powerhand said "Wow this duel is starting to get pretty intense, you think we should watch it?". "Sure why not?" Will said patiently waiting to see who had he found.

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"I draw" Tara said "Then I activate Speed Spell - Speed Saber' date=' increasing Ancient Fairy Dragon's Attack by 250 for every Speed Counter I have" 2100->3350 "Now Ancient Fairy Dragon, destroy his Red Star Dragon!"[/color']


Tara's LP: 3600

Field Spells: The Seal of Darkness and Speed World 2

Hand: 0

Monsters: AFD (3350/3000)

S/T: 0

SPC: 5


[spoiler=card]Speed Spell - Speed Saber



Activate only if you have 3 or more SPC. Increase the equipped Monster's ATK by 250 for every SPC on your side of the field. Destroy this card when you have 2 SPC or less.


IC:"Face down card, Mirrior Force! It destroys your Ancient Fairy Dragon!"

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"I draw" Tara said "And I activate Speed Spell - Reckless Greed!" Tara said "I send one card from my deck to the Graveyard and draw two more" She said "Then I Summon Shifting Sands - Desert Temptress, activating her effect to take control of MY Ancient Fairy Dragon!" Tara held up her last card "Next turn, you're mine" she told him "I play one card face-down and end my turn!"


Tara's LP: 3600 (or 2500)

Hand: 0

Monsters: SS Desert Temptress (200/500 AFD (2100/3000)

S/T: 1 f/d

SPC: 6


[spoiler=cards]Speed Spell - Reckless Greed


Activate only when you have 4 or more Speed Counters. Send one card from your deck to the Graveyard. Draw 2 cards.


Shifting Sands - Desert Temptress


Level 1


When this card is Summoned, select one Monster on your opponent's side of the field. Take control of that monster until the End Phase of your next turn.



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"You want her to get absorbed by darkness?" then he remembered Red Star Dragons effect. "Draw! Heav Storm! Now Red Star Drgons effect negates all your cards effects, including the Seals, so whe you lose, you don't get absorbed by darkness." At least he hoped. "Now Attack! CRIMSON SONIC STREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!

ooc:done for tonight. updated plot based cards with all except the card Gaara sent me, Crimson Fairy Dragon, and AFD/assult.

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OoC: I'm curious to see what would happen if Crimios fused with a seal... and curious to see what would happen if a non Signer used Soul of Crimios. I'm tired. DX

OoC #2: Sorry folks, this is another long one... but then again, my character needs to do SOMETHING in this story. XD


Luis had to get away from the light. He didn't care where he went. He stumbled around, looking for refuge away from the blinding light.


He found a nice dark spot, away from everything. It was pitch-black. It was completely silent. As if he was sitting in a void, where everything was nullified...


Oh, don't tell me... He felt his lips move, but no sound had come out. He turned around, seeing nothing where he had come from. Suddenly, the Darkness was illuminated by a purple light.


"The Seal Of Darkness?! But... why...?" Sound suddenly returned. It was as if a vacuum had released, letting all the air into this space once again. He felt nothing around him. Come to think of it, he hadn't even felt like he was standing on a surface.


In this pocket dimension of Darkness, there was nothing. No surfaces to walk on, no landmarks to see where you are, and no traces of light but those you brought with you.


"Hee hee hee hee..." Suddenly, the Toon Dark Magician Girl popped out of the Darkness, giggling a maniacal laugh. "Time to pay your dues, Luis! I'll be the one serving out the punishments. Get ready!" She giggled once more as a book opened before here, revealing a glowing field display. Everything was there. It'd look a little ridiculous to have the tiny girl wearing a Duel Disk, anyway.


"If this is what it takes... then I accept, if only to repent for these sins I've caused under The Seal's control. Duel!"


"Duel! I draw, and activate The Seal Of Darkness!" The purple light only brightened underneath them. "We both know what this does. I activate Allure Of Darkness, to draw two cards, and I remove a DARK monster from play. Remember, Luis, how alluring this Darkness used to be? Well, you lost it. I summon out Toon Masked Sorcerer, and set Two cards. End Phase!"


"I don't need the Darkness to be strong... my turn. I draw." Luis surveyed his hand.


So... she's mimicking my deck, for the most part. Still a Toon Deck. And still, I know all of its weaknesses.


"I summon out Toon Goblin Attack Force. I set a card and end my turn." Luis watched as the Darkness around them swirled. He felt a cold sweat creeping down his back.


"My turn again... Now, this is something you WON'T be doing. Open Reverse card, Escape From The Dark Dimension! I Special Summon my Removed From Game Dark Magician in attack position! This allows me to activate my Dark Magic Attack, clearing away your backfield." Dark Magician shot a black orb of magic at Luis' face-down, destroying the set Mirror Force. "I pay 1000 Life Points and activate Toon World. Then comes Magical Dimension sacrificing Toon Masked Sorcerer to summon myself!" The little Toon was whisked away into a magic cask, in which a copy of the Spirit came out of. "Then, an opposing monster is destroyed." She giggled maniacally as Toon Goblin Attack Force was absorbed into the cask, eliminating him from the field.


Damn... is this it? Luis looked in his hand. He heard Kuriboh floating behind him.


"Don't forget about me. Discard me, and protect yourself, Luis."


In his hand he held Toon World, Toon Table Of Contents, Kuriboh, and Emergency Provisions. This outcome didn't look too good. He had to depend on his next draw to save him. And he knew his luck was crap. In this dimension of Darkness, maybe his sentence WOULD finally be carried out. Maybe he would be absorbed back into the Darkness.


"Don't fear the Darkness, boy... welcome it. Your strength, believe it or not, is derived from the Darkness. Besides, not ALL Darkness is evil..."


A gasp escaped Luis' lips. He looked around frantically for the source of the sinister man's voice. He heard something creeping behind him.


"Don't make me prove it to you... fine. Just sit back and let me finish this. And don't ask me why I'm helping you. We Demon-types do as we wish on a whim."


Luis thought he'd found the source of the voice, but was mistaken. Looking back to his hand, he saw something changed. Emergency Provisions was gone, and replaced by a Monster Card. He began to read it.


"Time to return to us, Luis. Dark Magician, direct attack on his Life Points! Dark Magic!" The Magician speared the air with his staff, sending multiple "bullets" of Dark Magic at Luis.


"I discard Kuriboh to reduce the damage to zero!"


Thanks, little buddy.


"Hmph. Fine, then. I attack you directly! Murky Burning Remix!" The Toon flew at him, brandishing her staff like a sword. She slashed at Luis, sending Pink Magic through his body, reducing his Life Points down to 1500.


"NOW, you human fool!"


"Alright, since I've received Battle Damage, I Special Summon Tragoedia from my hand!" A dark apparition appeared onto the field. The Demon had black scales covering his body. With all the spiky protrusions and the menacing grin, he looked like something out of a child's nightmare. It resembled an insect somewhat, only massively sized... and a lot more terrifying.


"And, I gain 600 ATK and DEF for each card in the Duelist's hand... at the moment, I'm 1200 in both departments."


"Ew, what an ugly card!" The spirit looked in her hand. She knew that if Luis could replenish his hand, Tragoedia would be a problem. However, she knew he wouldn't have that opportunity. "I end my turn with that."


Luis watched in awe of Tragoedia. The Demon was massive, and looked very evil. However, looking at it, he also somehow knew that this creature from the Darkness would save him from becoming one himself. He had faith in Tragoedia. He heard echoes of Kuriboh, approving as well.


"I draw." He drew his card, and looked down at the copy of Toon Dark Magician Girl.


How ironic...


"I have additional effects, human."


"I noticed. I activate Tragoedia's effect! I discard a Monster to take control of an opposing monster with the same Level. So, I discard my Toon Dark Magician Girl to take control of yours!"


"Geh?! Didn't see that one coming!"


"Human, do what you must to defeat the Darkness. We Demons have a tough hide -- don't be worried about hurting my feelings."


"Gotcha. I activate Toon Table Of Contents, to search my Deck for another copy of Toon Dark Magician Girl. Then, 1000 Life Points go to activating my own Toon World. I follow up by sacrificing Tragoedia for Toon Dark Magician Girl!" Luis grinned. He had this game won. The two Toon girls giggled as they crossed their staffs. The third, opposing them, looked as if she was panicking. "I attack with both Toon Dark Magician Girls! Murky Burning Remix Duet!" They both flew at the Toon Girl, striking her Life Points down to 0000.


"Hehehe..." She spun around, slapped silly by the two Toons. "You do know I was going easy on you this time, right Luis? We'll meet again... Shadow's never gonna leave you alone. Make sure you tell William that, too. Au revoir!" As she disappeared into the air, The Seal of Darkness faded from the ground.


Luis instantly smelled the difference as the Darkness realm faded away, returning him into the real world.


"Finally... but will this ever end...?" He looked down at the card in his hand. It was still there, to his surprise. "Are you mine to keep, then...?"


Tragoedia looked back at him from the card.

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