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Yugioh: Fusion of Worlds, and Formation of Chaos [Basic][lock]


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Will noticed that she had gone and said "Hey guys, Tara's gone we better go." As he said that he quickly boarded his Duel Runner and had Powerhand follow him as he chased after Tara. "Man I really need to figure out what is with this girl" Will said to Powerhand.

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"Hey pal, you sure its safe to chase after a D-Wheel with a Duel Board?" Will asked as he continued his chase. "Go Powerhand, try using a attack to stop her". "Are you crazy master?" Powerhand asked in disbelief "I might harm the girl". "Just try to make a dent in the road" Will replied quickly.

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"It doesn't matter if she wants to do it or not!" Ivy said, jumping on James's shoulder and digger her nails in "You shouldn't have let her"


"Brother, make sure the sensor is on" Tara told Mark, who had Blizzard Wing in flight mode to get to her faster "I'm only going to say this once" She parked James's D Wheel and jumped off "I Activate the Field Spell Card The Seal of Darkness!"


Mark's Momentum Sensor kicked on and homed in on Tara's location It worked! he thought landing just outside the seal, which had expanded into a Riding Duel Track "Oh God..." he gasped

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"OR MY DUEL RUNNER!!!!1!!!" James notice he was being seffish, "But yes it's safe, my duel board is just so i can watch what's going on." James noticed Jesse. "Jesse!! wait! i got an idea! hope she has a turbo dueling deck, (if not make one. speed spells http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Speed_Spells ) "Speed World 2, Set, on." James put Speed world 2 in his duel disk. "Target....." he said his duel runner id so it would pick up Tara. "Good luck Tara!" hoping she could here him.

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"I draw" Tara announced "And I Summon Desert Protector - Ivy the Mirage LV3, followed by Speed Spell - Level Up!, upgrading her to LV5!" Ivy once again turned into a snow white tiger "Then I activate Speed Spell - Over Boost, gaining 4 Speed Counters to activate Speed Spell - Summon Speeder, Normal Summoning Desert Protector - Sonic Maiden!" She laughed "Now I tune my Ivy the Mirage with Sonic Maiden! Desert winds calm for the light of Heaven! Bathe the Earth in your light! Synchro Summon, Ancient Fairy Dragon!" The Signer Dragon appeared behind Tara "I set my last card and end my turn"


Tara's LP: 4000

Hand: 0

Field: The Seal of Darkness and Speed World 2 (OOC: You should make Seals for Riding Duels)

Monsters: Ancient Fairy Dragon (2100/3000)

S/T: 1 F/D

SPC: 1

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"Will noooooo! Grrr. I draw



"I summon Sirocco the dawn in attack mode. Now I special Summon gale. Synch up!

The light is stll in you Tara, don't fight it. It will expel the darkness. SYNCHRO SOCUN TAKE FLIGHT, STARDUST DRAGON!!!1! Now, when stardust is summoned, i can special summon stardust xionlg from my deck. Now i play Synchro Defuse! i tae control of Ancient Fariy dragon this turn. Now Crimios, Spread some light on this situation! fuse with Fairy Dragon. GO CRIMSON FAIRY DRAGON!!!!

[spoiler=Crimson Fairy Dragon]


This can only be summoned by the effect of Crimios. Once per turn, Special Summon one monster from your deck whos level is 6 or under. It's effects are negated and it returns to the dec durring he end phase.


ooc:one of my best so far if i say so myself.

IC:"Now, I special Summon Vayu the emblem of honor wth Crimson Fairy Dragon's effect and special summon Bora the spear. Now synch bora and vayu dos work wit negated effect :D)NowSynchro Socun, Go AOJ Catastor! now attack Crimson Fairy Dragon, CRIMSON SUNSHINE!!!!!!"

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