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Yugioh: Fusion of Worlds, and Formation of Chaos [Basic][lock]


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"Hey, I'm basically half cat" Derselner said "He's a wolf, there's bound to be some latent hostility, I just hope he won't take it too personally when I whoop his % into next week the next time he bites me" He looked up at Jesse "Oh yeah, I'm Derselner the Leodragon, my Master's name is Mark, and my 'brother's' name is White Snow Dragon" he looked around "I don't see either of them, or Miss Tara and Miss Ivy though...weird"

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"Hey, Signer just Duel already! I activate Iron Core Immediate Disposal, now I can put a Iron Core from my deck to my grave. Next I activate the spell card Magical Stone Excavation , I discard two cards to bring back my Iron Core". Then Will gulped as he discarded Seal of Darkness hoping for the best. "Now I attack with my Powerhand to destroy your D.D. Raven."

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"Hmmph," Will said then toke a slight gasp. He had seen a dragon just flit past and attack a strange creature covered with glass. Quickly he yelled and then backed away with shock "Yyyyyoooouuuuurrr.... a.... Psycho Duelist? But how could it be......." he then pressed a button on his Duel Disk, reducing his own Lifepoints to zero as he stood in complete shock.

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Will was completely shocked by this turn of events. He then heard a royal sounding voice "Why hello there William!" he turned to see that Koa'ki Meiru Powerhand had not faded but had instead remained nearby him. "But wait, you mean I'm a freak too? That I can see Duel Spirits like that dragon thing and the thing in the mirror". "Though I'd like you to be a bit less scared, yes that is what you are". "OK now what do we do" Will said in his usual manner "I mean I'm still a member of the Dark right?". "Unfortunatly I'd have to disagree, Shadow will not tolerate any one who is not competent enough. Therefore I suggest not returning".

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Powerhand turned to Derselner and then decided to act as friendly as possible. "Excuse me but I'm rather sensitive about that arm, also eating happens to be quite a chore. Especially when I don't want the taste of monsters in my mouth. But it is quite nice of you to act so kindly" he said while shaking his paw. "Well me and my partner must decide what to do now".

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Ivy leapt a good 100 yards her slightly older brother, rolling backwards about twenty feet after hitting him with a thud "Miss Ivy, I have scales, not fur, you can't tackle me like that you know"


"I know Brother, it's just I'm excited to see you again" The tiny white cat spirit told her brother "Besides, I'm not just a cute little puffball"

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