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Yugioh: Fusion of Worlds, and Formation of Chaos [Basic][lock]


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Having just awoken from that Darkness induced dream-state, Luis was, of course, clueless and disoriented. It goes without saying, however, that his personal nature got the best of him at this moment.


"Mr. Bryce, please, let me make up for what I tried to do, and what I put you through. Let me help you guys. I need to repent for the deeds I did under that Seal's power. I may not be anyone special, but trust me, I'm no pushover when it comes to Dueling."


At that moment, Luis heard the voice behind him. A voice he hadn't heard in a long time -- since the Seal Of Darkness had come into his possession.


"Yeah. You need to make up for what you did. Seriously."


Luis turned around and saw Kuriboh floating behind him.


Hey, it's been too long since I've seen you... But I'm ready to atone for my sins.


"Please, allow me to help."

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Luis followed along, jogging behind the Signer.


Let's see how this all pans out...






Name: Heinrich McVey

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Apperence: Tall, standing at about 6'2". Has short red hair, and pale skin, as if he hasn't seen the sun in ages. Light blue eyes show a kind nature, but the way he stands and acts leave no clues to his personality.

Signer Dragon{from 5d's not custom}{only if signer} :

Duel Spirit: Freed, The Brave Wanderer

Deck: Batterymen

Bio{optional}: A young man who serves the Light. The experience has erased his memory of before, so he really has no idea who he was. The only clue he has to his personal identity is what their boss told him, and the ID in his wallet that has long since been destroyed through batles.

D-wheel{optional}: A pure white, plain model D-Wheel.

Duel Disk: Normal, like a Duel Academy student.

Other{anything i forgot}: Has amnesia.

Side{Light, Dark, Signer}: Light


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OCC: Alright I will


"Very well" Will said then checked to see who the other Signer was talking to. "Hmmph well if it isn't Luis, been defeated eh? Why else would you be hangin' out with the Signer". He then said "Alright back to the duel at hand I'll set a facedown and your free to go, also I discard my Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru again".

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"DRaw! Aha!" He siad "I discard my DD. Raven to remove from play your Iron Core! Then I summon Jain, the Lightsworn Paladin! I set one card and end. Then, I mill 2 cards, you lose 500 LP and I gain 500, thanks to Jenis."




Me: 4500

Monsters: Jenis (DEF), Jain (1800 ATK).

S&T: 3 facedowns.


You: 3500

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OOC: I just got accepted via PM, if you want to see my bios feel free to ask


IC: About a half mile away from the Lightlord vs. Core Chimail duel, a large heavily armored angel charged across a sandy arena and sliced a large white-furred female cat girl clear in two and her controller's Life Points started dropping to 0 "Not so fast" the girl said triggering her lone face down card "I activate my Shifting Sands - Desert Sun Trap card, shuffling two cards from my hand into my deck and inflicting 1000 points of damage to your Life Points" The angel's controller's Life Points dropped from 1800 to 800 "Next I Release my Shifting Sands Spirit to inflict damage to your Life Points equal to her Attack Points." The 900 ATK monster dissolved into a sand cyclone and headed straight for the blonde man 800 -->0

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OOC:[spoiler=Sure, here's one]Name: Mark

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Mark has blonde hair and blank, featureless eyes. He wears a pure white shirt that never seems to get dirty or dusty and blue jeans. His right arm is wrapped in bandages and his left arm has a blue tattoo that's mostly obscured by a series of long scars.

Duel Spirit: Derselner the Leodragon and White Snow Dragon

Deck: Angels and Snow Dragons

Bio{optional}: He's Tara's slightly older twin brother

D-wheel{optional}: Blackbird, only white and blue, named Blizzard Wing

Duel Disk: Azure blue version of Lucciano's with silver cylinders and white energy. It goes inside his coat and the circular base detaches and goes on his belt. Only that part attaches to his Duel Runner.

Other{anything i forgot}:

Side{Light, Dark, Signer}: Allied with the Signers, not just a heap of dead weight like someone (sorry if you like Lua)



[spoiler=...and here's the other one]Name: Tara (Pronounced Tar-uh)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Tara has brunette hair that goes to her ribs, eyes that match her hair color perfectly, and wears a brown tanktop and a brown matching skirt. She's around 5'9" and is very attractive. Her eyes and her general disposition indicate that she has suffered serious emotional trauma.

Duel Spirit: Desert Protector - Ivy of the Mirage

Deck: Desert Protectors

Bio{optional}: She's Mark's slightly younger twin sister.

D-wheel{optional}: None, yet

Duel Disk: Sandy brown version of Crow's Disk that's permanently locked in it's circular position

Other{anything i forgot}:

Side{Light, Dark, Signer}: Allied with the Signers, prefers to stay neutral



IC: Mark smiled "You're getting better at this" he told his sister as the Solid Vision faded away to nothing and his Duel Disk deactivated and slipped itself into his coat "But if you let me Summon Derselner, I would have had you"


"Maybe" Tara agreed halfheartedly as a white cat jumped out of her deck "Against your Angel's, my Desert Protectors and Shifting Sands come up even," She reasoned "But against his brute force destruction deck, I would have surely lost" she sighed


"That's because you keep doubting yourself" Mark said walking off, with his sister following behind "I know that if you use your Slash Buster, I wouldn't have had a shot"

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OOC: No problem (well actually it was a bit of a problem picking which of my 30ish characters to use for this RP)


IC: Mark placed his Duel Disk base into Blizzard Wing "Where too?" He asked Tara as a blue and white dragon appeared beside him


The dragon yawned and stretched "Derselner is watching a duel right now" White Snow Dragon told his master "A Lightlord Duelist vs. a Core Chimail Duelist"


"Sounds fun" Ivy the Mirage said leaping onto Tara's shoulder with a purr "We should check that out" she agreed


"Why not?" Mark shrugged, setting Blizzard Wing on autopilot and heading to the Duel "Who's winning?"


OOC: By the way, who is winning?

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