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You know you watch to much Naruto when.....

Lost Soul

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Simple game, you say you know you watch to Naruto when then you put stuff. I havent seen this game yet, so i am starting it up.


1. You are posting in this thread (most likely)

2. You are buying a cosplay outfit, not for Halloween or for an anime convention.

3. You finish your sentences with Naruto phrases

4. You can tell somebody how the show is nothing without so and so

5. You wrote a 5 page letter to Viz telling them why they need to release Naruto Shippuden Ulimate Ninja 5 in America.

6. You turn down a date from a hot person to watch a new episode of Naruto

7. You watch raw Naruto and know what they are saying, and you never took Japanese

8. You call 911 and ask them to put you through to the ANBU

9. If somebody runs away you return to them as "a missing nin"

10. You make alot of Naruto cards

11. You know everything that is happening in Naruto

12. You go around yelling "CHIDORI"

13. You buy Sharingun contact lenses

14. You know all the Naruto hand signs better then you know your friends

15. You try to break a blood vessel near your eye so you have Byukugun

16. (For Girls) You call your enemy Ino or Sakura (For Boys) You call your enemy Deidra or Sasuke

17. You can make a list of 20 or more in this thread

18. You can explain how Chakra works

19. When you are tired you say "I need more Chakra"

20. You do random hand signs in public

21.You can do all the hand signs for Chidori or any other jutsu in less then 1 secound


I am guilty for 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 19, 20, and 21. Lol. I could have made more, but i decided to save some for you peoples :P

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1. You learn all, and I mean ALL the jutsus and their hand signs.

2. You buy Naruto notebooks for no apparent reason.

3. You buy something random of Naruto with no apparent reason.

4. You trait your ninja band thingie better than your mom.

5. Get your babies Naruto diapers for no apparent reason.

6. You post on this thread only because is about naruto.


8. You just go like a flash to the place where you hear the following words: naruto jutsu chakra rasengan chidori kakashi face.

9. You make a list about naruto.

10. You buy more naruto randomness for no apparent reason.


Im guilty of number 2, 6 and 9.

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