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Guess that Superstar get a rep

Limited Edition KING

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[align=center]This is a new version of the guess that games this time it involves WWE/TNA superstars.

[spoiler=Riddle # 1]

I'm an American ?????

Answer: Dusty Rhodes Solved by Spike



[spoiler=Riddle # 2]

S.O.S I hear them shoutin S.O.S I hear them -------

Answer: Kofi Kingston Solved by Spike



[spoiler=Riddle # 3]

I died just recently and everybody misses me.

Answer: Eddie Guerrero Solved by .Gandora.



[spoiler=Riddle #4]

I have been at TNA since the start of it I am a TNA original

Answer: AJ Styles Solved by: DemonX



[spoiler=Riddle #5]

I am part of the MEM can you dig it?

Answer: Booker T Solved by Spike



[spoiler=Riddle #6]

Before I entered WWE my finishing move used to be named after a drink.

Answer: CM Punk solved by: Spike




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Riddle #4 -


Need a better clue' date=' it could be almost half of the TNA staff so .... >.<

[b']Its supposed to hard so start guessing[/s]


Riddle #5 -


Booker T



Riddle #6 -


Jeff Hardy??



You screwed up your bold codes and stuff.


I'll attempt to complete 4 and 6.


Riddle #4 - AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Jeff Jarret, Booket T, Scott Steiner, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt (< ----- Any of them right?)


Riddle #6 - This is impossible....


Konnan, Tequila Sunrise 0.o? Taking random guesses, lolz.

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