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The Apocalypse theme


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Name: Survivor of the Apocalypse

Card Type: Monster Effect

Attribute: Dark

Level: 9

Card Rarity: Ultra Rare

Type: Zombie / Fiend / Effect

Description: You must sacrifice three or more monsters whos' ATK points will equal 6000 or more in order to to summon this monster to the field. For every magic card in your graveyard, this monster gains 300 DEF points. For every trap card in your graveyard, this monster gains 500 ATK. For every monster card in your graveyard, it gains 100X the number of stars to ATK and DEF points. If this monster was special summoned from the graveyard, it gains 1000 ATK and DEF points for each time it was special summoned from the graveyard.

ATK / DEF: XX00/XX00


If you can draw a good picture for this card, e-mail me.

This is only one of many of the Apocalypse series

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