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Official "No More Ragnorak in Realistic Card Forums" Thread


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Ragnarok encourages many new card-makers and makes helpful suggestions on cards.

You used to complain that he posted too much in the polls, debates and general. Well, now that he's basically confined himself to the realistic card section, it's not enough. A 50% ban is not really in order in this situation. You want him to slow down giving comments and critiques on cards? He's being too helpful to too many people?

PM me. You haven't told me enough about your thoughts on this subject.

Rag has many friends here on YCM, more than you may care to acknowledge. Many friends of his have left YCM because of the flaming comments about him and toward themselves. Please, just leave Ragnarok alone. It will create more peace on the forum. I don't want another YCM war over him. Still, if there is another war started about Rag, I know what side I'll be on.


Yeah, whatever, you may insult and laugh at my opinion. I don't give a $hit anymore.



On the real topic: It's nice that you created a tribute card for him.

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9.5/10! I like how that he did what ever he could in finding out wat is wrong with a card and telling the creator so that he/she could fix it and improve in creating. I surely was one of those "noobs" before Rag commented on afew of my cards. I caught the pattern and continued creating more cards that were always better than the last. A slowly got better with each comment and critique. So I want to thank Ragnorak for always being there for you when no one posted a comment or rateing. He will be missed.

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I agree with Lovely Lady, ragnarok is one of my friends too. Why would he stop someone on what he does...This is a free world, we live with the freedom we chooses, its not right to stop someone right??


I dunno what is the grudge about but I think it's a bit harsh....


he is the only one who can read alot of stories on one post such as the post of max darkness and cyberice.....he can rate it and correct the effects if there are some mistakes...



Stepping aside the debate, I say about the card it is great and decent too.



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  '.:Raelen//:Solo:. said:

Ragnarok encourages many new card-makers and makes helpful suggestions on cards.

You used to complain that he posted too much in the polls' date=' debates and general. Well, now that he's basically confined himself to the realistic card section, it's not enough. A 50% ban is not really in order in this situation. You want him to slow down giving comments and critiques on cards? He's being too helpful to too many people?

PM me. You haven't told me enough about your thoughts on this subject.

Rag has many friends here on YCM, more than you may care to acknowledge. Many friends of his have left YCM because of the flaming comments about him and toward themselves. Pleas, just leave Ragnarok alone. It will create more peace on the forum. I don't want another YCM war over him. Still, if there is another war started about Rag, I know what side I'll be on.


Yeah, whatever, you may insult and laugh at my opinion. I don't give a $hit anymore.



On the real topic: It's nice that you created a tribute card for him.





Rag is a great guy. He helps Card Makers with their cards, this includes me.

I think that he responded to every thread I made in the past months.


On Topic:

Love the card.


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Icy, you shouldnt have given a permanent warning, it shouldve just been long term, so what if he has 25,000 posts, that means he is active and an alive member, he posted on all of our threads and told us what was wrong and what was right. Come on man, you keep putting stress on members, that is why so many members wont reply to our threads because of the way you role. Like how "Whoever posts after me will be banned" that put alot of stress on members and members always have to watchout. You might have just ruined one of the greatest card reviewers on this site. You messed up this time.

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This thread is full of spineless morons who can't see past their own "friendships." He got what he deserved, because " ocg is off 8/10" +1 post count is "the best way to contribute as a member" "He posted in all of my threads". And? If I posted in every realistic cards thread, with the same half-assed reply every time, I'd have gotten it too.


Frankly, I don't give a damn if he comes back or not, but to sympathize him making himself into a helpless victims, makes you look like a fool. He has the decision to make, so stop your jabroniing and let him grow a pair.

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Crikey' Look at all the ragfags!


Seriously, he did nothing, absolutely nothing to contribute to the Realistic Section. All of you, people who are defending Ragnarok, need to get the point that Icy was trying to tell Ragnarok. Ragnarok is welcome to post on the Realistic section, but, it was his own decision to stop posting on here.


Now, all of you, stop your QQ'ing over Ragnarok.


On topic: Decent card is decent.

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If anyone deserves this warning, it's ragnarok. He should have gotten it a long time ago.


All of you so-called ragnarok supporters, flooding is against the rules, at least the last time I checked. Ragnarok has been flooding this forum since the day he joined.


His comments "Pic is good, ocg could be better. 8.3/10" They aren't helpful in the slightest.


@Icy: You did a great job, don't give into those damn ragfags demands.

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I hardly knew Ragnarok, but from your comments he sounded nice and friendly, but if you're talking about Ragnarok1945, I hate his guts. He called me a sleezy lowlife who feeds on others success. And in a bad way. If you're talking about Ragnarok1945, I HATE HIM*sniffles* but anyone else is fine.

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Honestly, Oh OR Ihas an Idea, since this thread is sorta two in one why don't you make cards that resemble other YCM members, the others can argue about weither or not that person was cool or not and then so on, if Joshy approves of course.


Ragnorak is a good commentor, he's always commented on my new cards, and I've never seen a problem with all his other posts, because he was helping the newer members,he made his first post, they fixed the card and he made another, i do that sometimes when i rate cards, and i know alot of others do to. He was active yes, and i strongly disagree with the permenant 50% warning.

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  'Radiant F.U.R.Y.™ said:


did you ask rag to slow down before you slapped him with that perma-warning? I mean' date=' if it were me, I'd like to know ahead of time before someone did that to me.



Even if he did, ragnarok is so stubborn that he won't listen to anyone who tries to help him.

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  'ragnarok1945 said:

might need to give Big Boy Dragon an effect (also its name is unimaginative)




that is what he said. it wasn't the first i got on my cards but it was the first from him.




did you ask rag to slow down before you slapped him with that perma-warning? I mean' date=' if it were me, I'd like to know ahead of time before someone did that to me.



Even if he did, ragnarok is so stubborn that he won't listen to anyone who tries to help him.


well he was just trying to help some Card Makers with there cards. if he would have added a bit mroe to his posts commenting on every aspec the would have been fine

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