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Guest JoshIcy
  'ragnarok1945 said:

way too bland of an effect' date=' please add another one to this and give it a drawback





And yet you give it a 7/10?

This card seems more like a random filler than anything. No rate is needed.


EDIT: Also, stop thinking there is a formula and must have for cards. You're starting to really pull my hair trigger.

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Doesn't need a draw back

but i'd change it slightly

so that you activate it when a machine monster you control is in battle you can use it

"You can only activate this card when a Machine-Type monster you control is selected as an attack target or is attacking a face-up monster your opponent controls. Change the battle position of the other monster monster. "

i wouldn't use that exact wording though, the ocg is a little iffy i think

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Almost forgot,

OCG FIX: Activates when your opponent's monster attacks a face-up Machine-Type monster you control. Change the Battle Position of the attacking monster.


I thought of using it in a Duel. I imagined I can't use it during my turn but I know what you're implying. It's like a Trap that can be used from the hand.

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