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Chronicles of Fantasy: Empire of the Sinkeeper [Mid-Adv.][Not Started]


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[spoiler=The Dragon Legend]

Long ago in lands unknown to now living races, a god wielding the name of Kaos created his five envoys to guard the living world, the Original Five. The Original Five was five allmighty dragons, who were named Azura the Blue Cold, Zera the Crimson Thunderer, Yggdragon of the Silver Dream, Gorgos of the Timeless Desert and Zamok the Twilight Lord. These five was the mightiest creatures that has ever sored the sky, and together they created the land Aeracia with it's great plains, cold mountains and flourishing forests. However, Zamok, who instead made his home in the Twilight Realm, was in a constant conflict between the light and the dark, with the battlefield being his own body. To escape his condition he splitted into two different beings, Umbrasos and Lumiza, with Lumiza, the Queen of Lumination, representing the light and Umbrasos, entitled the Sinkeeper, being the dark. Zamok's greatest mistake was also his last, since he couldn't survive the split and Umbrasos and Lumiza fled to the living world and here their conflict started to get heated. During these events Gorgos was killed and was laid to rest in his home of the deserts. The two twins was however stopped by the three remaining dragons and was both sealed away. Now, multiple millennias later, the seal has been broken and Umbrasos and Lumiza escaped. The Sinkeeper has already raided most of the human and orcish lands, but was eventually striken back to his keep in the Rotten Plains. Lumiza has started to build up her army, disguised as the human Countess Serlane of the Skybound. At the smae time Umbrasos is planning his revenge on the humans, the orcs and eventually his sister. Neither of them actually cares about what, or who, comes in their way and will kill anything that disturbs their plans. The three remaining Original Five is now disguised as humans, Skybounds and orcs and remains hidden in different towns and cities. They must once again unite to seal the two Zamok offsprings away once again, because if they are let to kill each others, the other ones reign will end and so will our world, because if darkness do not exist neither will light, and if light do not exist darkness will vanish...


[spoiler=Notable Races]

Here is all races that lives in the land of Aeracia some races are not playable.




The dragons is with no doubt the race with the most mystery surrounding them. They all appear in either red, blue, silver-green, brown or in rare cases even purple coloured. The red ones decend from Zera and lives mostly in Lokir'ash near the north. The blue ones is the sons and daughters of Azura and makes their home in the crystal forests in the far west. The silver-greens is decendants of Yggdragon and lives in the mountains and near the great tree in the northernmost lands of Aeracia. The brown ones, however, has nested in the southern deserts and there they honor their ancestor, Gorgos. The purple colored dragons is all the sons of Zamok, and altough they are rarely seen the moist documentations of their existence comes from the Twilight Realm, which is rarely treaded by races of the living world. Dragons often disguises themselves as humans, orcs or other civilized races because a man is way less scaring then a mighty dragon!



Not Playable

The elves is pure energy beings who is only found in the Twilight Reals at times like these. They was once found all over Aeracia but all Aeracian Elves was erradicated by Umbrasos latest attack on humanity. The elves eventually grew close to the humans and as a result the Skybounds was born.




The most common race of Aeracia. The humans believe that a hero of the honor will eventually be reborn as a dragon, and they are one of the most noble race of the living world. Their capital city is Hammerstone, which is placed in the absolute center of Aeracia. They also have a lot of small cities and towns spread all over the land.


The Skybounds


The result of humans and elves who has breeded. They are the race with the most magical powers and hey make their home in the city of Lordar, which is city that floats in the sky above the human city Hammerstone. They got the name Skybounds because of their flying capital. The Skybounds looks much like humans, except their hair is allways white or grey colored and they have pointy ears and skinnier bodies.




Altough they was once enemies of the humans they are now good friends. The orcs still has their brutish nature and strength, but they now fight against the hostile Troll tribes and Goblins to quel their thirst for blood. They make their home in the southern deserts in the city of The Crater. Many also live in Hammerstone. Orcs is a green skinned race, they often have big fangs and mostly they have muscular bodies with the average size of a grown man.




Probably the most brutish and cruel race of Aeracia. Altough most of them are very hostile and brutish against the other races of Aeracia the nes who makes their home in Nordberg has allied with the humans and the orcs to fight agains the other Trolls. Trolls are the only civilized race who naturally lives in the northernmost lands, not counting the silver-green dragons. The Trolls stands at an average 2.2 metres and has big fangs and also small tusks. Male Trolls also appear to grow horns when their age has come, and horns is a sign of status in the Troll society.




Rottragons is the opposite of Dragons, they are evil, cruel and they often has no control of what they are doing. They was created by Umbrasos himself and are born out of corpses of humans, orcs, Trolls and Skybounds. They make thier homes in the Rotten Fields, guarding their masters keep. They look much like dragons, but their bodies are rotten and they often have awkward numbers of body parts, for example three feet, two heads or even five tails. Like dragons the rottragons has the ability to disguise themselves as humanoid races.


Chaos Walkers


Undead creatures that serve the Sinkeeper. They look much like the races they once where, but their bodies are now rotten and they make their home in the Rotten Fields. Altough they are dead and rotten, they have the precious ability to regrow lost body parts.



[spoiler=Notable NPCs and Playable Characters]

NOTE: Here will be a list of different notable characters of this story. If the character has a Played by: and no name listed it is playable by anyone. Some characters do not have any Played by: under them, this is most likely because they are dead or gone.


Zorgog Soulscream

Race: Orcs

Status: Deceased

The former King of the Orcs. He lead the united forces against the Sinkeeper during his second raid on Aeracia. He was eventually killed by Umbrasos personally, and out of his body the very first rottragon, Silencer, was born. Soulscream is now a symbol of honor and courage for his desperate one-on-one fight with Umbrasos. (Altough Umbrasos was in human form. In dragon form he could ahve defeated Soulscream much easier)



Race: Rottragon

Status: Alive

The only rottragon that do not serve Umbrasos. When he was born out of Soulscreams body he was taken care of by the orcs and was honored as the child of Soulscream. Now, as a fully grown rottragon he takes disguise as an orc with similar traits as his "father". He was named personally by Umbrasos, who said that he "silenced his father's screams".

Played by: Kuroda Naoki


Old Toby the Blind

Race: Human

Status: Alive

An old man who tells stories in the inn of Hammerstone. He appears to be just an old man with some mumbo jumbo thoughts in his head.

Played by:


King Thorin Odinsson

Race: Troll

Status: Alive

The King of the Trolls. He rules from his throne of Nordberg and is the one who allied the Trolls with the rest of the races. He has two big, goat shaped horns and wears an armor out of northern steel. He wields a great hammer named Mijolnr which is a legendary weapon among the Trolls.

Played by: Kuroda Naoki


Umbrasos the Sinkeeper

Race: Dragon, disguised as a human

Status: Alive

The Sinkeeper himself. He makes his home in the Sin Keep in the Rotten Fields along with his Rottragons and Chaos Walkers. He has a grudge with all living things in the world, especially Lumiza, and wants to end her as quickly as possible. He is the only black dragon in existence and as a human he takes the form of a grey haired, middle-aged man with red eyes, a mouth covered by a black scarf and with skull clad armor. His weapons of choice is his two blades, Death and Agony.

Played by:


Lumiza the Queen of Light

Race: Dragon, disguised as a Skybound

Status: Alive

Disguised as the Skybound Countess Serlane she is currently creating an army made out of humans and Skybounds to fight Umbrasos, tricking them into thinking Umbrasos is the only enemy in this world when she in fact is the one they would worry about. She, however, will not take part in the events to come.


Zera the Crimson Thunderer

Race: Dragon

Status: Alive, but dying

She is the only of the living Original Five which position is currently known. She resides in her chamber in Lokir'ash, and there she is deadly sick. She is the queen of the red dragons and is currently sending reinforces to fight for the humans and their allies.


Gorgos of the Timeless Desert

Race: Rottragon, once a dragon

Status: Dead, reborn as a rottragon

He was once the king of time and the leader of the brown dragons, but during Lumiza's and Umbrasos' first fight he was killed and eventually he was reanimated by Umbrasos and is now the leader of the Rottragons.

Played by:


Azura the Blue Cold

Race: Dragon

Status: Alive

She is the queen and mother of all blue dragons. She is said to recide somewhere disguised as a Skybound, but her current location is not known.


Yggdragon of the Silver Dream

Race: Dragon

Status: Alive

The wisest of all beings and he's also said to be a master of the magical arts. Altough his current position is not known he is rumored to recide in his homelands, these rumors may or may not be true however.



Post your Applications here. You are allowed to have a total of two characters, and the above mentioned NPCs may be played, but as longa s no one plays them I will. Also, if you which to be one of Azura or Yggdragon you will have to PM me about it and we can make your character being the dragon disguised.





Physical Appearance:

Weapons of Choice:

Short Information:




Phew, that took and hour to do, so I hope someone will join. It may seem a bit messy, but if you want information around a specific topic it's just to PM me.

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