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yugioh! the created card game's broken set

Shadow Zero

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greetings and welcome. this thread is for everyone who is a member of the yu-gi-oh! created card game community to post suggestions for modifications to cards that are broken, underpowered, overpowered, has balancing issues...in short, this is where the cards that have been put into the current created card game sets and still need work are brought to the attention of those in the created card game community who have dedicated however great or small a portion of their own free time to making this endeavor a success. please be respectful to all who reside within the domains of the created card game community. if you are not a resident of this community, then i ask that you join if you show an interest, or leave if you have little or no interest in it. the address for the created card game communities acceptance office can be found at the following address. please go there to join us before posting here.


and now, let the salvation of the fallen begin! :mrgreen:

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Okay! time to get this party started


Lucky Charm Ritual: With all the S/T removal we have its hard to keep this card on the field. I suggest changing the waiting period from your second standby phase to your next standby phase, or maybe at your end phase. Or just give it some other effect.


Scorching Demon: I don't know what to say, except I'd much rather use flame inferno than this card. I suggest increasing the damage to the full ATK amount or giving it some other effect, more ATK, etc.


Ravager Beetle: I think the second effect is underpowered, reduce ATK by 500 to reveal a face-down. I suggest only reducing 300 ATK.


Spark Dragon: Well Neo Aqua Madoor has similar stats but more ATK, and no one uses him. So maybe increase the ATK but still make it searchable.


Giant Schizomida: I know that the Ritual/Gemini thing is unique, but it slows this card down. Plus, it makes the negating effect even more costly. The second effect isnt so hot either.


Lonely Oak: The effect is only once per turn and costs field advantage. Plus, the card you get has to be very specific. There could be several things done to improve this card.


Moss Giant: A lot was done to prevent this card from becoming a FTK. A little too much. I think taking out the "loses ATK equal to the combined DEF" is necessary, because with the cards we have right now it won't get over 1600 ATK. Even then, it would still be underpowered, so there will need to be other changes.


Bati, the Fat Guy: The wording of this card makes it fairly easy to counter. I would suggest something like "If a player controls no spell/trap cards during their standby phase..." just something that would give it more of a chance to use it's effect.


Wicked Dollmaker: For a Level 10 Ritual monster the effect isn't so great, I think that the wicked doll tokens have too many restrictions. Its like special summoning a monster from your hand, but it can't attack, be tributed, and has no effect.


Life Stealing Magician : The most it can get is to 2400 ATK, and during your opponent's turn it's just a 1400 ATK weakling. I suggest it should last until your opponent's end phase kinda like bazoo the soul eater.



( I can't find any Overpowered cards at the moment)


Errata/Technical Issues


Magical Grasshopper: The effect was meant to say "FLIP: See the top card on your deck. If it is a spell card, you can add it to your hand, or send it to the graveyard and activate it's effect immediately. If not, you may shuffle your deck."

I know because I created it.


Shadow Necromeba: Now, theres nothing wrong with the card itself, but in YVD, when you try to set this card in the S/T zone it automatically goes to the monster zone first, and your opponent will know what it is. I'm not asking to change the programming of YVD, but i think the effect should be changed to "When your opponent attacks, you can return 1 face-down Spell or Trap card you control to your hand and Special Summon this card from your hand". Hopefully that will avoid this problem but keep the effect relatively the same.

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Comments on your comments of my comments.



  'Griffin999 said:


That's more of the problem. Remember' date=' this still instantly searches a Ritual monster which you can Ritual Summon normally, I see not problem.[/b']


The Card's effect was changed a long time ago to select a Ritual Monster in your hand to ritual summon.



Scorching Demon: I don't know what to say, except I'd much rather use flame inferno than this card. I suggest increasing the damage to the full ATK amount or giving it some other effect, more ATK, etc.


Probably a good idea to give it something, although Fusion as a whole is more effective here than the TCG because of the draw added to poly and the generic Miracle Fusion.


Well keep in mind the "Miracle Fusion" is Attribute and Level specific. Exact level and you can't use monsters on your field.




Ravager Beetle: I think the second effect is underpowered, reduce ATK by 500 to reveal a face-down. I suggest only reducing 300 ATK.


Generally agreed, and make the first effect increase by 200-300, it can be important to k

know what your opponent has, but we don't want it getting to 3600 from that =s





Spark Dragon: Well Neo Aqua Madoor has similar stats but more ATK, and no one uses him. So maybe increase the ATK but still make it searchable.


We'll see for this one, we have a smaller card pool and such, maybe this guy will show some use. Wait before mod IMO.






Moss Giant: A lot was done to prevent this card from becoming a FTK. A little too much. I think taking out the "loses ATK equal to the combined DEF" is necessary, because with the cards we have right now it won't get over 1600 ATK. Even then, it would still be underpowered, so there will need to be other changes.


With that clause removed, he's a 6.4K 'stick. If we ever get a form of Quick-Play De-Fusion, he'll hammer for damage easily. I say that we make it unable to inflict damage to stop any chance of that, have full combined ATK, and Summon 1 of the monsters used if destroyed? Just tossing out how I'd do it.


Well, I don't know who the original creator of this card is, I wouldn't want to add a completly unrelated effect like SS a monster from the graveyard. And if we do get the De-fusion-ish card, I will personally make sure it doesn't make this card broken.




Wicked Dollmaker: For a Level 10 Ritual monster the effect isn't so great, I think that the wicked doll tokens have too many restrictions. Its like special summoning a monster from your hand, but it can't attack, be tributed, and has no effect.


Agreed, but they still shouldn't be able to attack. I think that it's worth noting that they can be used for a Synchro. Maybe have the token treated as a tuner? Or is it ok as-is with that noted?


I don't know, I wouldn't think anyone would go that far to make a Synchro/Ritual hybrid, and even then, it's not that broken. You would probably lose all the targets for this card's effect in the actual Ritual Summon. But yeah, no Attacking. I still don't agree with the "no tribute summon" thing.



Life Stealing Magician : The most it can get is to 2400 ATK, and during your opponent's turn it's just a 1400 ATK weakling. I suggest it should last until your opponent's end phase kinda like bazoo the soul eater.


It's a Level 4 2400 ATK 'stick. Not everything that's a stick has to be untouchable at all times. I find the card fair.


You would have to pay 1000+ LP every turn for it's effect, and it would be totally vulnerable during your opponent's turn. Plus it's own cost offsets it even more.



Commenting on his idea's of UP'd cards, with my own comments on the one's I agree on and the ones I do not.





Episode 1: Normal Spells

Magnetic Storm

Select and activate 1 of the following effects: •Destroy all face down Spell and Trap Cards on the field. •Destroy all face up Spell Cards on the field. •Destroy all face up Trap Cards on the field.


It's a free backrow-clear for face-downs, never good, it makes people want to get as close to OTKs as possible. It also allows fairly specific destruction of face-ups. Possibly more powerful than Heavy if used right, since it's very easy to clear a path and avoid losing your own s/t.


That's going to be VERY hard to change. Set 0 was to introduce staple cards and this card was meant from the time of it's creation to be limited.




Soldiers Recruiting

Add 1 Level 5 or lower Warrior-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.


Not OP'd per-se but boring and generic. It's just RoTA with an extra level. I don't like this sort of card, it's got no imagination or strategy and we can do better.






Summon Sensor

The next monster Normal or Special Summoned after this card's activation is destroyed.


Activate at end of turn after you Summon something - opponent now has trouble getting anything out and will probably miss chance to do anything, restricted to setting while you beat over him until they give up, Summon something, and are left exposed. If this seems it or not, it's OP'd.


What we are trying to do or at least what I'm trying to do is to improve Flip-effects/Slow down mass swarm. This card is an anti-swarm card which can totally backfire on you too.



Variable Storm

Destroy 1 face-up Spell or Trap Card. If your opponent controls 3 or more face-up Spell or Trap Cards, destroy 2 instead.


Not quite as bad as I first thought, with the face-up restriction, but still far too strong generic s/t removal - it gives players who like a lot of s/t cards no room to play.


Not feeling as strongly as this one, but It's a simple side tech card to me.




Episode 2: Ritual Spells

Only 2 Spells here. Do we really want all Rituals to be generic? It seems to go against the normal idea of rituals that they are tied to a specific summoning method.



CCG was meant to improve styles that were never played in TCG. This makes them much more playable. Specific Ritual Spell and Monster cards can still be included in themes though.




Episode 3: Continuous Spells


Gentleman's Duel

Monsters cannot select a monster with a lower Level as an attack target.


I know this is already limited but I just don't like it. If we're going to have stall cards, I prefer the example of "Freezer", since it will almost always be possible to attack when that is around eventually, however this card + level 1 monsters will make it just too hard to even declare an attack, not a fun idea or concept and makes for boring duels which drag on until removal is drawn.


I understand what you mean but, low level monsters have to have something. This gives them some staying power.




Episode 4: Field Spells

Field of Sadness

Decrease ATK of all Level 3 and higher monsters by 1000.


Make it 500-700, it's just annoying stall-y otherwise.





Endless Winter

During each Standby Phase turn Player disTributes 2 Ice Counters on 2 different face up monsters on the field. If monster have number of Ice Counters equal to or more then their Level, it is destroyed. ( Monsters with Ice Counters cannot declare an attack or change their Battle Position. During each End Phase turn Player removes 1 Ice Counter from the field.)


If you ever Summon a monster and I have "Freezer", you can't attack. Then you remove the counter at the End Phase - fair enough. Then this adds 2 back - not fair. With just those 2 cards you can make an endless attack lock. Boring at stallish.


I agree, but I think that the effect should only activate during one player's standby phase. Maybe "each player places 1 ice counter on 1 face-up monster".




Section 5: Equip Spells

Aroma can cause some annoying attack locks, but not OP'd - good section of cards.






Pot of Insurance

Select 1 monster on your side of the field. If is not destroyed as a result of battle this turn and is destroyed by your opponent before your next standby phase, draw 2 cards.

Should this be?:

A) Select 1 monster you control. If is not destroyed as a result of battle or by your opponent's card effects before next standby phase, draw 2 cards.


B) Select 1 monster you control. If is destroyed by your opponent's card effects before next standby phase, draw 2 cards.


I can't tell.


Yes, the correct answer is B. I've been meaning to bring that up.


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waaahh!!! information overload! too much for my tired brain to handle!!!

okay, new rule! you post the name and effect of the card that your talking about, and in addition to whatever suggestions you have, you copy and paste the effect with bold type over what would be changed so as to make it easier for viewing and understanding for everyone else! XD


for example:

man eating fly


original version: when this monster is summoned, destroy all other cards on the field and send them to the graveyard.


op'd version: when this monster is summoned, destroy all face up monsters on the field. this card is returned to its owners hand during the end phase.


do you see what i am talking about? actually, you know what, just do that instead and put maybe one or two lines underneath as to why you think the op'd version is better then the original version. if you could do that with your first posts as well, that would be great.

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yes, well, i am asking that instead of just saying what is wrong as that can get a bit long-winded, (speking from experience here) that we instead post the name of the card, the unmodified effect, and the modified effect with suggestions for changes in bold type. and for those of you who would like (or may need) visual identification as to exactly what it is that i'm talking about, i shall quote my last post with the details in it.

  'shadow-zero said:

for example:

man eating fly


original version: when this monster is summoned' date=' destroy all other cards on the field and send them to the graveyard.


op'd version: when this monster is summoned, [b']destroy all face up monsters on the field. this card is returned to its owners hand during the end phase.[/b]

so just do that from now on, okay guys? otherwise, we who work in this thread fror the benefit of all will not be abe to operate at top efficiency, and i know that i am not the only one who would like things to be done as efficiently (and expeditiously {look it up. XD}) as possible.

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*Sigh* ok, here is the abridged version of it. The reasons why it is OP/UP are in my first post of this thread. Well, griffin changed my mind about changing some things so they won't be on here.


Card Effects in Italic means that they have been removed. Card Effects in Bold are the new ones.


Lucky Charm Ritual

Ritual Spell Card


Original: Select 1 Ritual Monster in your hand. This card remains on the field face-up. During your second standby phase after this cards activation, ritual summon the ritual monster in your hand. If you cannot, send the ritual monster to the graveyard.


Changed: Select 1 Ritual Monster in your hand. This card remains on the field face-up. At the start of your opponent's next battle phase, Ritual summon the Ritual monster in your hand. If you cannot, send the ritual monster to the graveyard.



Scorching Demon



Original: "Flame Warrior" + "Sinister Fiend" This card cannot be Summoned except by Fusion Summon. This card's Attribute is also treated as DARK. When this card is removed from the field by your opponent, you can select 1 face-up monster on the field and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the half of its original ATK


Changed: "Flame Warrior" + "Sinister Fiend" This card cannot be Summoned except by Fusion Summon. This card's Attribute is also treated as DARK. When this card is removed from the field by your opponent, you can select 1 face-up monster on the field or in either player's graveyard and inflict damage to your opponent equal to half its original ATK.



Ravager Beetle



Original: When this card is Summoned, you can show your entire hand to your opponent to have this card gain 100 ATK for each card shown. Once per turn, YOU CAN reduce this cards ATK by 500 to reveal 1 face-down card your opponent controls.


Changed: When this card is Summoned, you can show your entire hand to your opponent to have this card gain 100 ATK for each card shown. Once per turn, you can reduce this cards ATK by 300 to reveal 1 face-down card your opponent controls.



Moss Giant



Original: 1 Normal Monster + 1 Normal Monster This card gains ATK equal to the combined original ATK of the monsters used to Fusion Summon it, and loses ATK equal to the combined original DEF. Any damage involving this card is halved. When this card inflits Battle Damage, switch it to Defense Position.


Changed: 1 Normal Monster + 1 Normal Monster This card gains ATK equal to the combined original ATK of the monsters used to Fusion Summon it, and loses ATK equal to the combined original DEF. Any damage involving this card is halved. When this card inflicts Battle Damage, switch it to Defense Position.



Bati, the Fat Guy



Original: As long as a player has no cards in their Spell & Trap Card Zone, that player cannot enter their Battle Phase.


Changed: If a player has no cards in their Spell & Trap Card Zone during their End Phase, that player cannot enter their Battle Phase during their next turn.



Wicked Dollmaker



Original: Once per turn, you can discard 1 monster to Special Summon 1 "Wicked Doll Token" with the same Attribute, Type, Level, original ATK, and original DEF as the discarded card. This Token cannot attack or be Tributed for a Tribute Summon. When this card is removed from the field, destroy all "Wicked Doll Tokens" on the field.


Changed: Once per turn, you can discard 1 monster to Special Summon 1 "Wicked Doll Token" with the same Attribute, Type, Level, original ATK, and original DEF as the discarded card. This Token cannot attack or be tributed for a tribute summon. When this card is removed from the field, destroy all "Wicked Doll Tokens" on the field.


Life Stealing Magician



Original: Once per turn, when you pay Life points, this card gains ATK and DEF equal to the Life Points paid until the End Phase (max. 1000). During your End Phase, pay 500 Life Points. If you do not, this card's ATK becomes 0 until your next Standby Phase.


Changed: Once per turn, During your turn, when you pay Life points, this card gains ATK and DEF equal to the Life Points paid until your opponent's next end phase (max. 1000). During your End Phase, pay 500 Life Points. If you do not, this card's ATK becomes 0 until your next Standby Phase.





Magical Grasshopper



Original: FLIP: See the top card on your deck. If it is a spell card, you can add it to your hand, or activate it's effect immediately. If not, you may shuffle your deck.


Changed: FLIP: See the top card on your deck. If it is a spell card, you can add it to your hand, or send it to the graveyard and activate it's effect immediately. If not, you may shuffle your deck.



Pot of Insurance

Normal Spell


Original: Select 1 monster on your side of the field. If is not destroyed as a result of battle this turn and is destroyed by your opponent before your next standby phase, draw 2 cards.


Changed: Select 1 monster on your side of the field. If it is not destroyed as a result of battle this turn and destroyed by your opponent before your next standby phase, draw 2 cards.




I tried a whole new spin on Lucky Charm Ritual. It can't be destroyed by a card that doesn't negate the effect, and the timing gives your opponent a chance to counter while still protecting you. Of course, your opponent could just skip their battle phase to stave off the Ritual Summon.

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Episode 1: Normal Spells

Magnetic Storm

Select and activate 1 of the following effects:

•Destroy all face-down Spell and Trap Cards on the field.

•Destroy all face-up Spell Cards on the field.

•Destroy all face-up Trap Cards on the field.

Your opponent gains 1000 Life Points for each card destroyed by this effect.


Soldiers Recruiting

Discard 1 Warrior-type monster. Add 1 Level 5 or lower Warrior-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.


Summon Sensor

Discard 1 card. The next monster Normal or Special Summoned after this card's activation is destroyed until the End Phase of your next turn.


Variable Storm

If your opponent controls 2 or more Spell or Trap Cards, destroy 1 face-up Spell or Trap Card. If your opponent controls 3 or more face-up Spell or Trap Cards, destroy 2 instead.


Episode 2: Ritual Spells

Only 2 Spells here. Do we really want all Rituals to be generic? It seems to go against the normal idea of rituals that they are tied to a specific summoning method.


Episode 3: Continuous Spells


Gentleman's Duel

If a monster cannot selects a monster with a lower Level as an attack target, return it to its owner's hand during the End Phase.


Episode 4: Field Spells

Field of Sadness

Decrease ATK of all Level 3 and higher monsters by 1000 600.



Endless Winter

During each Standby Phase the turn player's opponent distributes 2 Ice Counters on 2 different face-up Monster Cards on the field. If monster have number of Ice Counters equal to or more then their Level, it is destroyed. ( Monsters with Ice Counters cannot declare an attack or change their Battle Position. During each End Phase turn Player removes 1 Ice Counter from the field.)


Section 5: Equip Spells

Aroma can cause some annoying attack locks, but not OP'd - good section of cards.


Section 6: Quick-play Spells

Lazy Typhoon

Activate only as Chain Link 2 3 or higher. Destroy 1 face down Spell or Trap Card.


Judgment Bolt

Pay 800 1500 Life points. Destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card your opponent controls.


Gravity Wind

Quick-play Spell Normal Spell

Pay 800 1200 Life Points. Return 1 card on the field to its owner's hand.

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  'shadow-zero said:

okay' date=' i think we should stop admissions of suggestions here for now since i can't really do all of this by mtself and stuff and still need to get started. XD anyway, i will start the reponses in my next post.



Wait.... what? I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but don't you think we need to discuss these suggestions first before making any actions on it?


And you don't have to do it all by yourself. I find it kinda ironic that you wanted to take a load off 40cal's jobs and with this job you're taking the full load.

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uh, that's just what i am saying. i can't so the card editing all by myself. that's why i need other people here. you see? anyway, discussions. bring me up to speed as i have been gone awhile. what are we still considering editations for, and what have we decided is not going to be going through the editing process?

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  'shadow-zero said:

uh' date=' that's just what i am saying. i [i']can't[/i] so the card editing all by myself. that's why i need other people here. you see? anyway, discussions. bring me up to speed as i have been gone awhile. what are we still considering editations for, and what have we decided is not going to be going through the editing process?


Ohh... ok sorry for accusing :oops:


And editing.. lets see... this is the list of cards that have been brought up:


Changes Cancelled for now


Spark Dragon

Giant Schizmodia

Lonely Oak



Changes me and griffin agree on:


Field of sadness

Scorching Demon

Magical Grasshopper and Pot of insurance (OCG fixes)

Bati, the fat guy

Magnetic Storm

Soldier's Recruting



Changes we kinda agree on


Wicked Dollmaker

Moss Giant


[spoiler= Disputed changes and my proposal]


( the cards here are griffins proposed changes)


Summon Sensor

Discard 1 card. The next monster Normal or Special Summoned after this card's activation is destroyed until the End Phase of your next turn.


- It seems good as is. It could backfire on you just as easily. After all, players will have to learn to use other methods than just summon and attack with beatdowns. The cost is kinda heavy too. Kinda like non aggresion area, but this card is nicer in that you can still set. I feel giving the effect a time frame would take away from the strategy and charm of this card.



Variable Storm

If your opponent controls 2 or more Spell or Trap Cards, destroy 1 face-up Spell or Trap Card. If your opponent controls 3 or more face-up Spell or Trap Cards, destroy 2 instead.


- I think its good as is, but maybe should be limited or semi-limited.



Gentleman's Duel

If a monster selects a monster with a lower Level as an attack target, return it to its owner's hand during the End Phase.


- How about this :

Monsters with the lowest level(s) on each side of the field cannot be selected as attack targets.


Or kinda like yours:

If a monster selects a monster with a lower Level as an attack target, return it to its owner's hand at the end of the damage step.



Endless Winter

During each Standby Phase the turn player's opponent distributes 2 Ice Counters on 2 different face-up Monster Cards on the field. If monster have number of Ice Counters equal to or more then their Level, it is destroyed. ( Monsters with Ice Counters cannot declare an attack or change their Battle Position. During each End Phase turn Player removes 1 Ice Counter from the field.)


- I don't really understand what change this will do, switching which player does when. If on your turn your opponent chooses, they have more control over which of your monsters does the attacking than if they were to choose during their own turn. I proposed that during both players' standby phases they each put 1 counter on a monster.



Lazy Typhoon

Activate only as Chain Link 3 or higher. Destroy 1 face down Spell or Trap Card.


- This just makes this card an even worse version than Mystical Wind Typhoon. I don't know if my suggestion will fix this problem, but if the effect were:

This effect cannot resolve if you did not chain to this card's activation. Destroy 1 face down Spell or Trap card.

... then it would limit the effect to forcing you to make the chain and you have to use a spell speed 2.


Judgment Bolt

Pay 1500 Life points. Destroy 1 Spell or Trap Card your opponent controls.




Gravity Wind

Normal Spell

Pay 1200 Life Points. Return 1 card on the field to its owner's hand.


- I kinda do/don't agree with your changes. They do need a bigger cost, however i don't think it should be paying lifepoints. I don't have real great suggestions here




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And back for another swing, my comments are leik dis


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  'Griffin999 said:

And back for another swing' date=' my comments are [i']leik dis[/i]


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Agree with all except Lazy Typhoon. That would make it exactly like Mystical Wind Typhoon. A limited MWT, hmm, seems pretty underpowered.


As for Endless Winter, I have an idea to control the stalling power, I hope it won't change the card too much:


Endless Winter

During each Standby Phase both players distribute up to 1 Ice Counter on an Attack-Position Monster on the field. Once per turn, a player can pay 500 Life Points to switch 1 monster they control with Ice Counters into Face-Up Defense Position (ignoring the Ice Counter Effect). If monster have number of Ice Counters equal to or more then their Level, it is destroyed. ( Monsters with Ice Counters cannot declare an attack or change their Battle Position. During each End Phase turn Player removes 1 Ice Counter from the field.)


-With that, we will have a way to escape too many Ice counters and allow any monster to attack eventually, provided you pay the cost.

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For Magnetic Storm what about this.


Magnetic Storm

Normal Spell

Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on your side of the field, select and activate 1 of the following effects: • Destroy all face down Spell and Trap Cards on your opponents side of the field. • Destroy all face up Spell Cards on your opponents side of the field. • Destroy all face up Trap Cards on your opponents side of the field.

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summon sensor is still pretty easy to get over i dont think its too broken, especially against BW decks that use vayu the emblem of honor.i think it should be a continues spell that is destroyed after its effect goes through cause if you leave it as a normal spell then it still has that summon restriction for as a continues spell card is prone to being destroyed b4 its effect can be used

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