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Team Kogarasumaru - Air Gear fanclub.


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We all share a common fate.




Better yet, a common interest. Air Gear~

Hai, and welcome to Team Kogarasumaru. Name was obviously stolen named after the AT team from Air Gear~


[spoiler=Random unnecessary introduction thing.]

If you clicked on this club, you're probably a fan of Air Gear already. So I wont spend too much time on that, but it's essentially about this guy. Who has skates. And goes around being badass with his awesome friends. Agreed?

M'kay, moving on.


If you wanna join, just state which character from Air Gear you'd like to be. It's not limited to Team Kogarasumaru members, heck, you could be that creepy teacher. We don't judge~


The purpose of this club is to discuss the sheer awesomeness of Air Gear~


Oh, and try to put spoilers in a spoiler tag.

I haven't exactly finished the series yet.




Akito ~ Marly. Leader.

Agito ~ Xirno. Co-Leader.

Sano ~ Zexaeon. Co-leader.~

Spitfire ~ .Lost

Lind ~ Azure Rhythm





[spoiler=Rules and stuff]

1. Obey all Rules.

2. Obey rule number 1.

3. Just don't do anything stupid, and follow the general Clubs & Organizations Rules.

4. Just to ensure you have read the rules/first post, put "AKITO/AGITO RULES" at the top of your first post. xD <~ Kidding~


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I'll join. Because I feel I'm the only one else who will. xD


I wanna be Sano. >=3 Because he is the character my first two Usernames on this site were named after. And was a part of the third, and still a part of my current.


Also, Onigiri is lulz. Annoying sometimes, but lulz.

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Oh, you already know you're in~ :3

And the Kazu v. [spoiler=Semi-spoiler, for Xirny.]Sano fight

was epic. =o

I didn't like him as much as I thought I would though, I still like Akito and Kazu moar~


@ Onigiri Topic:

I hate him. D: He's annoying, and the way he rides makes me think he's an idiot and doesn't take it seriously. D<

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Well' date=' I'm not quite finished, but still join as Lind.



You know you're in~



So guys, I was thinking. And if AT's were real, and you made an AT team, what would you call it? =o

I kinda like Team Piercing Heaven. xD Yay for semi-vague TTGL references~

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D: Page 2 is where clubs go to die.


New, and kind of off topic, topic;

NASA's gonna bomb the moon tomorrow, in search of water. .-. It gonna be visible from Earth.

So, are you gonna watch it? xD When I first heard it, my first thoughts was Ikki and Kazu 'trekking' away from it with a huge explosion behind them, nearly escaping death. >3


...I might need to lay off the Air Gear and caffeine, a bit.

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