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Clear Cards


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Guest Tainted Black

[spoiler=Clear Poltergeist]

Lv. 5 DARK



This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field. By sending this face up card and one other monster you control to the graveyard, gain control of one of your opponent's monsters.



[spoiler=Clear Serpent]

Lv. 2 DARK



This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field. Once per turn, you can send one "Clear" monster you control to the graveyard to lower the attack of a monster on your opponent's field by 500 x the number of face up "Clear" monsters you control.



[spoiler=Clear Third Eye]

Normal Spell

You can only activate this card if you control two or more face up "Clear" monsters. Select 3 Cards from your Deck, have your opponent pick 1 of them at random, and add it to your hand. Return the remaining cards to your Deck.



[spoiler=Clear Mirror]

Normal Spell

Select 1 face up "Clear" Monster you control. Summon one "Clear Token". The "Clear Token" has the same Level, Type, Attribute, ATK, and DEF as the selected monster. Destroy it during your second End Phase after this card's activation.



[spoiler=Clear Amplifier]

Equip Spell

Equip only to a "Clear" monster. That monster's ATK is doubled. At the end of the equipped monster's controller's 2nd turn after this card is activated, destroy the equipped monster. At that time, this card is returned to the owner's hand.



[spoiler=Clear Archfiend]

Level 8 DARK



1 "Clear" Tuner + 1 or more "Clear" Non-Tuner monster(s)

This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field. You can pay 1000 Life Points to negate the activation of a Spell or Trap Card that would destroy a face up "Clear" monster(s), and destroy it.



[spoiler=Clear Slime]

Level 1 DARK



This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field. Once per turn, you can select 1 face-up monster on the field to have this card's Level become equal to the selected monster's Level, until the End Phase. This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster, except for the Synchro Summon of a "Clear" Synchro Monster.



[spoiler=Clear Chameleon]

Level 4



Once per turn, this card can change it's Attribute to any other Attribute. All effects of "Clear World" that are applied to you based on this card's Attribute, are applied to your opponent instead.



[spoiler=Clear Angel]

Level 2



This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field. During either player's Damage Step, when a face-up "Clear" monster you control battles, you can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard to have that monster gain ATK equal to the ATK of the opponent's monster it is battling, until the End Phase.



[spoiler=Clear Shield]

Continuous Trap

Destroy this card if "Clear World" is not face up on the field. Activate only when a face-up "Clear" monster you control is selected as an attack target. By paying LP equal to the level of the selected monster x200 to negate the attack.



[spoiler=Clear Aegis]

Continuous Trap

If "Clear World" is not face up on the field, destroy this card. By paying 500 Life points, negate the effect of a card that would destroy a "Clear" card.



[spoiler=Clear Barrier]

NOrmal Trap

Activate only when a face-up "Clear" monster you control is selected as an attack target. Destroy all Attack Position monsters your opponent controls.



[spoiler=Clear Soul]

Equip Spell

Equip only to a Non-"Clear" monster. The equipped monster is treated as no Attribute.



[spoiler=Clear Beetle]

Lv. 2 DARK



This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field. When this card is selected as an attack target by your opponent's monster, select 1 "Clear" monster from your Graveyard, Special Summon it and switch the attack target to that monster.



[spoiler=Clear Synchron]

Lv. 3 DARK



This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field. When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon 1 "Clear" monster from your Graveyard in face-up Defense Position. That monster's effect(s) is negated and its battle position cannot be changed, except with a card effect.



[spoiler=Clear Warrior]

Lv. 10 DARK



"Clear Synchron" + 2 or more Non- Tuner "Clear" Monsters

This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field. Once per turn, you can send 1 Level 6 or higher "Clear" Monster from your Hand or Field to the Graveyard, to add 1 "Clear World" to your hand from your Deck or Graveyard. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.



[spoiler=Clear Swordsman]

Lv. 4 DARK



This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field.



[spoiler=Clear Mage]

Lv. 4 DARK



This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field. When a Spell card is activated put one Spell Counter on this card. This card gains 500 ATK for every Spell counter on the field. Remove 1 Spell Counter from this card everytime this card attacks. If you canot, destroy this card.



[spoiler=Clear Nightmare]

Lv. 10 DARK



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 "Clear" monsters. This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field. Once per turn, you can change the Attribute of 1 monster on your opponent's side of the field.



[spoiler=Clear Leviathan]

Lv. 7 DARK

Sea Serpent


This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field. By sending a face-up "Clear World" to the Graveyard and paying 1000 Life Points, destroy all cards that do not have "Clear" in their name.



[spoiler=Clear King]

Lv. 8 DARK



This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field. This card can only be Tribute Summoned by Tributing "Clear" Monsters. The ATK of this card becomes equal to the combined original ATK of the 2 monsters you Tributed for the Tribute Summon of this card.



[spoiler=Clear Queen]

Lv. 6 DARK



This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field. This card can only be Tribute Summoned by Tributing a "Clear" Monster. The ATK of this card becomes twice the original ATK of a monster that you Tributed for the Tribute Summon of this card.



[spoiler=Clear Dagger]

Normal Spell

Activate only while you control a face-up "Clear" monster. Destroy 1 card on the field.



[spoiler=Clear Dasher]




This card is not treated as a DARK monster while it is face-up on the field.This monster can attack twice during the same Battle Phase.



[spoiler=Clear Resolve]

Continuous Trap

Once per turn, when you take Battle Damage from a battle involving a "Clear" monster, you can Special Summon 1 "Clear" monster from your Deck with ATK less than or equal to the Battle Damage you took.



[spoiler=Clear Shock]

Normal Spell

Activate only while you control 3 or more "Clear" monsters. Destroy all face up monsters your opponent controls.



[spoiler=Clear Growth]

Normal Spell

Select one face-up "Clear" monster. The selecte monster's level goes up by 1 until the End Phase..



More to come!!!

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clear mirror is a bit op'd


clear shield OCG fix:

Destroy this card if "Clear World" is not face up on the field. Activate only when a face-up "Clear" monster you control is selected as an attack target. Pay LP equal to the level of the selected monster x200 to negate the attack.


the first sentence goes for clear aegis.

otherwise excellent. there r other minor OCG errors, clear poltergeist is up'd and has no attribute, and there is other minor stuff, but i'm lazy XD.




putting aside OCG and it would b a 8.5/10, well done!

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In truth I was a bit too lazy to read all of them, but the set does sound quite good. I'd like playing them if the set existed. Now I wish you luck ever finding good pics for these. 8-9/10 (can't really pick a value in between 8 and 9) keep up the good work Gaara!

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