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Club Sandwich - It's Delicious! LOCK please - too little activity.


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[Align=center]Hello and welcome to Club Sandwich, where you can talk about anything.




[spoiler=Entry Form]

To join, simply fill out the following information and post it here, do not post anything else before you post the Entry Form.

YCM Usermame:

No. of Stars:

How Long Have you Been on YCM:

Once you have posted your Entry Form and I have put you on the Member List, feel free to chat here whenever you want.


[spoiler=Member List]






[spoiler=Ultra Legendary Members (If you reach this rank, I will give you 3 reps)]


[spoiler=Super Legendary Members]


[spoiler=Legendary Members]


[spoiler=Super Advanced Members]


[spoiler=Very Advanced Member]


[spoiler=Advanced Member]


[spoiler=Low Advanced Member]


[spoiler=Very Low Advanced Member]


[spoiler=Super Low Advanced Members]


[spoiler=Regular Members]


[spoiler=High Novice Members]


[spoiler=Novice Members]


[spoiler=Low Novice Members]



[spoiler=Very Low Novice Members]




[spoiler=Super Low Novice Members]


Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's


Shinku Hadoken







^Made by Bassa2



You get promoted up a rank if you:

Contribute to the club a lot

Make a banner

Posting GFX Creations

Hosting Club Competitions

Putting a banner in your Sig

Putting a link into your Sig

Being cool

Because I feel like it



If you do any of the following things, you will recieve a warning, if you recieve 3 warnings, you will be banned.

Spamming (If you majorly spam, you will be banned without warning)

Flaming people's GFX creations or cards that they post here.

Cheating in a Club Contest

Complaining about warnings that I gave to you or other people

[spoiler=Warned Users]



[spoiler=Banned Users]





Cafe N00b



Enjoy your time at the club.[/align]

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