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Yugioh RPG; Fear amongst the Chaos PG-15 [Basic]


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"You do realize that's not gonna protect you, there still duelists, which means they still duel you. But the bad news is if you refuse, or start to run, they turn feral, and they hunt you down, and kill you." Reilly said this with a tear coming to his eye, he turned away, bolting the door as he turned. "You got any food here?"

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Character Name: Vincent Tavares

Age:25 year old

Gender: Male

Race/Nationality: Italian/Brazilian

Physical Traits: Black hair, brown eyes that change to red or gold (each means something different), 6' 1''

Bio: Not much is known about him. He used to be a pro-circuit duelist and was also offered an internship to become a teacher at duel academy;however, one day he dissapeared. He now takes orders from some strange entity. He appears to be on the same side as the zombies yet has control over himself. He appears to be higher on the chain. He sees duel spirits and has a few of his own. His eyes go red whenever he is at his darkest however, there are sometimes when his eyes go gold. Could it be possible that somewhere inside the old Vincent is still there.

Faction: Forces of Light

Duel Disk/Duel Runner: A black version of the Battle City duel disk, yet the points of it are more sharp (like the wings of cyberdark edge)

Deck Type: Dark Cyberdarks, Chains of Fate

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Just then a laugh erupted from behind Reilly and Josep. Out of no where a man in a pair of black jeans and black jacket appeared sitting with his back to the wall. He smirked and opened his eyes.


"Library huh. Gonna catch up on your reading. And also if you all are going to just beat the S*** out of each other ... then there's really no fun in me being here."

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OoC: Orcman ... can you send me a pm with whatever this forces of light wants or aims. you know ... stuff that I can expand on. Until then ...I'll just stay stereotypical.


"I see. So confusion abounds on both fronts? Well then ... no need to worry" he said with a malevolent smirk. "We'll be in touch." Just then a black smoke enveloped the room and then dissipated just as quicky as it came. When visibility returned, Vincent was gone.


OoC: got class. Catch ya all later.

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